
Why rock the boat? Just go with it; living inside the Beltway Bubble is a bit like being royalty, as long as one has no objection to losing their soul and selling out their country to the highest bidder

Yes We Can

Even those not actively involved in marketing and sales often have appreciation for the importance of branding; the art of projecting information with a technique people are likely to remember consciously or subconsciously. The key, of course, is in knowing who you are and what you do, and being honest.
Politics is no different than business; in fact, these days politics is nothing but business: politicians are in business for themselves while they give We, the People, the wrong kind of "business." One of the two progressive branches comprising the UniParty have a special problem communicating who they are as opposed to who they want us to believe they are. I maintain honesty is the best policy. Perhaps the Progressive RINO Establishment could do a better job identifying who they are by using a motto or slogan; something punchy yet descriptive (if such a motto isn't already in play with decoder rings and secret handshakes -- reinforced behind political rituals -- and, ultimately distilled from the culture of Beltway Bubble corruption through an unholy establishment osmosis). This one may work: "No Resistance, No Conscience; No Worries, No Problem." Does such a motto not fit the UniParty bill, of which the Progressive RINO Establishment is part and parcel? The Progressive RINO Establishment motto could easily have been "Yes We Can," but King Barry already used it during his intoxicating, smoke-and-mirror-filled 2008 presidential campaign that brought us change we could believe in as he fundamentally transformed the United States of America.

Who Needs An Opposition Party?

Oh, well; what difference at this point does it make? Who needs an opposition party; it's a simple fact not everyone can be "lucky" enough to experience an exalted seat at the table of UniParty power, right? Why rock the boat? Just go with it; living inside the Beltway Bubble is a bit like being royalty, as long as one has no objection to losing their soul and selling out their country to the highest bidder. Thus the UniParty (the Progressive RINO Establishment working in concert with the Progressive New Democrat Party) holds sway; greasing the skids for another bend-over-here-it-comes-again moment for the electorate: one they always promise to represent...before arriving in Washington, DC. If you're not a big government tax-and-spend progressive, chock full of hubris, hungry for power, and enamored by glittering grandiosity upon arriving at the fetid, immoral swamp of our nations' capitol -- where money is the progressive goal for the power-players and deal-makers, happy as little clams to receive laudatory pats on the head from an establishment ruling class -- you will be soon enough; at least, if one has a desire to live the legendary life of Riley inside a nebulous, glib Beltway Bubble where patriotism is a bad cliche: a sorry pathway for virtuous losers too dumb to get with the program. Since the UniParty is programmed to receive as if they would never leave -- careerists in what was to be a non-career -- by legislating without virtue or conscience in a place where money worries cease to be a problem for the compliant, it's no small wonder the sellout of America proceeds posthaste. How so?

Errand Boys for a King

Republican Majority House Speaker John Boehner forced a vote on King Barry's secret deal with Iran on Thursday, May 14, 2015. How is it King Barry can manipulate a treaty involving national security in secret, one may ask? The same way he get's most everything else his heart desires: lack of resistance. How much lack of resistance? King Barry has practiced deception at every turn -- something Congress is well aware of -- yet the UniParty continues to run interference as would errand boys for a king; his back door bargaining -- capitulating being a more accurate verb -- with Iran started soon after President Rouhani was installed in August of 2013: that's also when the sanctions began a slow evaporation. When King Barry directed a royal temper-tantrum at Benjamin Netanyahu for his speech to Congress, something seemed amiss; turns out Israel was doing their homework and discovered the details of King Barry's secret hanky-panky with Iran: major details Congress was excluded from knowing. Israel made Congress aware by sharing the information, closing the loop on King Barry's covert operation. Such is the way of the UniParty; there is no why, there is only "The Way." The Way, as you may have guessed, is King Barry's way. This is King Barry's deal with Iran, but the UniParty will shield it from attack as they have shielded King Barry-Care, King Barry's Amnesty, King Barry's Class Warfare, etc. Adam Kredo at Washington Free Beacon reports:
"House leadership will not permit lawmakers to offer amendments aimed at strengthening a key piece of legislation [providing] Congress with oversight over any nuclear deal the Obama administration strikes with Iran...[and are] planning to suspend normal rules and bring the bill to an immediate vote..."
The Republican Majority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell worked last week to win approval of King Barry's Iran Deal by employing his own inversions of the English language and Harry Reid-style whipping; the result was a Senate vote of 98-1 (Sen. Tom Cotton the only holdout for constitutional principle) on a provision that basically turns the Constitution upside down with the Corker-Cardin bill. Nate Madden and Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review report: "Even though a deal with Iran would be tantamount to a treaty, the approval process contained in the bill compromise effectively lowers the threshold of approval from 67 to 34, in the case of President Obama's veto." Also: "...language requiring the Obama Administration to certify to congress that Iran is not sponsoring or committing terror activities against the United States or her citizens [was removed] allowing Iran to receive $700 million in assets per month [while] increasing support for Hamas and Hezbollah...implicitly blessing Iran's war on Israel." Senator Ted Cruz succinctly and honestly appraised the sordid essentials of King Barry's Iran Deal:
"...Iran will be allowed to keep its enriched uranium. It will be allowed to keep its centrifuges and reactors. It will continue its ICBM program, the only purpose of which is to deliver a nuclear weapon to the United States of America."
Considering the advertised latent enthusiasm with which the leadership of the Shiite Islamic Republic -- with whom King Barry seems infatuated -- seeks to hasten the arrival of the12th imam from his hiding place by inflicting chaos and carnage, it's safe to conclude a nuclear Iran isn't such a great idea; not to mention the nuclear Mid-East arms race predictably spun off by by a militarily nuclear-capable Iran; or Iran's proxy wars; or its' asymmetrical warfare programs; or its' alliances with our enemies, etc., etc. Iran today is antithetical to the Cold War mindset of mutually assured destruction (MAD); many devout "Twelver" practitioners believe it's a religious duty to obliterate Israel and the West. Why help them? During a time not so long ago in a country known as America, such behavior was called treason. © Sandy Stringfellow/2015

Sandy Stringfellow -- Bio and Archives

Sandy Stringfellow is a writer and musician with an interest in history, economics, and politics. A fifth generation Floridian, he was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida. From an early age he developed a fascination with music, eventually playing in a variety of local bands.

Sandy continued to write as he made his living in the fields of commercial carpentry and retail sales.  In 2001 one he established a home studio, where he records his songs. 

He is currently employed driving tractor/semi-trailer combinations around Florida.  Sandy can be reached on Facebook.