
The left wants to rewrite our laws, redo our elections, and unravel our democracy.

Yes, There Is STILL a Coup in America

I wrote a piece for American Thinker, Yes, There Is a Coup On in America to call attention to the fact that our government, media, and Washington establishment is attempting a coup d'etat right before our eyes. I pointed out that per 18 USC Ch. 101, Hillary, Clinton, even without an indictment, was legally disqualified to run for President after her mishandling of classified information. I called out the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) as accessories after the fact when they used their positions to cover her crimes and enable her to avoid prosecution, called out the corporate media complex that shielded Hillary from her crimes and served as her attack dog. This cabal openly defied our government, broke our laws, ignored regulations to make Hillary Clinton the Democrat nominee and it was all done in the open for all to see.
Well, guess what, the coup is still on. On November 8th America had a revolution. Millions of Americans went to the polls and elected Donald Trump President of the United States. Trump's victory went against all odds, flew in the face of the fake polls and phony news/campaign reporting, it was a grassroots move to stop the left and rebuild our country. The left couldn't accept defeat, refused to believe it. They'd successfully labeled Trump a racist and bigot, imported hordes of illegals, and had President Obama tell illegals on national TV to go ahead and vote, there would be no repercussions. Then they had outright fraud a sliver of which was exposed in the Wisconsin recount. So how could Trump win? Fact is Trump's numbers were so overwhelming they overcame the fraud, the illegals, the campaign to paint Trump as a monster. The American people saw the danger and turned out in massive numbers to elect Trump. But the insurgents can't give up, they'd come too close. If they'd just imposed Hillary as President, it would be over. They'd have set up an irreversible liberal Supreme Court, instituted open borders as permanent policy, redistributed our money to care for the massive surge of migrants, and driven a stake in our Constitution. Now granted the election was a big hit to the cabal but they're still working hard every day to defeat the American people and impose Washington's will. Dramatic you say? Below are just some of their recent plots to deny Trump the Presidency.

Plan A - Post-election protests

George Soros funded the rent-a-mobs, politicians "respected" the mob's 1st Amendment rights, and the media played up the protests as uncontrollable riots by people who will not accept the election. The "protests" predictably turned violent in major cities and many of the pay-by-the-day crowd dispersed, not worth getting killed over. So the narrative that the "people" aka thugs in the street can't accept the election results faded away.

Plan B - Jilliary

Jill Stein joined by Hillary Clinton demanded recounts in battleground states. Now Jill's Green Party would have to flip every county in every state to have a shot at winning. Yet a couple of judges bought into Jill's cause, a couple chastized her for being ridiculous. But the fact that she was able to effect a recount in Wisconsin shows the power of their movement.

Plan C - The Russians Are Coming

This fake news burst onto the scene in a Washington Post piece alleging a CIA leak that Russia hacked the election to elect Trump. The mainstream media jumped in and voila, the story that Russians "hacked the election" dominates. Of course the real complaint is that someone "hacked the campaign" not the "election". They are referring to the Wikileaks emails that revealed Hillary's darker side, old news. But words matter and "hacked election" makes people think manufactured votes, hacked machines, and/or switched ballots. So despite reports from every other intelligence agency that disagrees with the CIA leak, the left clings to the Russian narrative because it's a lead-in to Plan D.

Plan D - Flip those electors

Hillary, Obama, media, and the Hollywood crowd are clamoring for electors to abandon the traditional role of reflecting their state's votes. They offer reasons why these electors can abandon their responsibility with a clear conscience. This defection by electors makes perfect sense to liberals because Hillary won the popular vote so she should be President and because Trump isn't worthy. They actually have an ad where they lecture the electors on what the Founding Fathers intended the elector role to be. Doesn't matter that the electoral system was designed to deny heavily populated states, (CA, NY) from choosing our President over the will of the rest of the country, nope not an issue. So this last contingency plan, flipping electors, is in full swing, all-in to disrupt democracy. But don't think that even if they lose that battle they'll stop, they will never stop. Michael Moore is leading the charge to disrupt Donald Trump's inauguration should his election stand. No one can stop Moore and his schemes, it's his 1st Amendment right. In fact, It's the right of the organized left to riot in the streets, loot, burn, and assault their enemies, their right to a frivolous recount that drains millions of dollars from state coffers for a 1% candidate, their right to threaten and harass electors, to hound them into turning on the millions of Americans who went to the polls and elected this man, their right to advocate anarchy and tyranny. But what about our rights, the American people's right to a free and fair election, to victory, to a government of our choice. What about our elector's rights to do their job without death threats and thousands of harassing emails and phone calls. What about Donald Trump's right, his millions of supporter's right to a safe, peaceful transition of power. These people aren't just poor losers who can't accept the results of the election, they're not liberals exercising their free speech rights, they're insurgents perpetrating plots to overthrow the United States government. Their opposition to our laws, to our government is not a way to soften the blow of their devastating loss, it's a blatant attempt to subvert the will of the American people, to deny our voice, invalidate our votes, and overturn our election. So can we stop acting like this is all just politics? Can we stop humoring those who spit on our laws and our mock our Constitution? Can we stop treating these anarchists as just another voice of the opposition? These people are traitors and a danger to our Constitutional governance. Every time we ignore one of their lawless moves, accept it as the norm, we're sanctioning their attempted coup. Americans need to take back the national conversation. We're not fascists to follow our Constitution, not racist or dictators if we enforce the law and stop the drummed-up violence, prevent mobs who threaten our new President's inauguration. We're not the bad guys, we're the people who followed the law and changed our government at the ballot box, the people who did it the right way, the Constitutional, lawful way. We're not wrong to insist that the opposition also follow the law and respect our Constitution. It's our inclination to get back to our lives, to be done with politics and let President Trump take the helm. But our job's not done, our Republic's not safe, the rebels are still here, still actively attempting a coup. Call them out, expose their agenda, and fight back. If we allow them to continually reinvent our government, to defeat democracy by argument, to chip away at the Constitution, they will eventually prevail and we will never again have the power to stop them. The left wants to rewrite our laws, redo our elections, and unravel our democracy. Its up to 'we the people' to stop them. America is a gift, a precious legacy we need to preserve for our children, for posterity. If we let it slip away, we will lose it for all time. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. - Ronald Reagan

Peggy Ryan -- Bio and Archives

Peggy Ryan is an IT specialist. Currently she is an author and political commentator. She’s been widely published on multiple conservative Internet sites. Peggy Ryan can be reached at PeggyRyan1203 @ gmail.com