
Wretched bit of Faux Science is being forced upon all humanity

Wonky Wheels Now Off the Warmist Ox Cart

No matter how hard these neutered steers pull on their yoke, there’s no denying that warmist views are a cruel joke. There is no question that Climatology has operated with a scientific blind spot for decades. Under normal circumstances this would have been resolved through debate with the wider scientific community.
Unfortunately, this congenital defect was of potential value to the manipulators of reality and this fledgling science became a captured pawn in the globalist scheme. There is just one single tenet that supports the flawed Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis. That is the illogical and incorrect ‘back radiation’ concept and supported with faulty ice core data. It would be nice if we could discuss flawed science at leisure in the traditional manner. However, this wretched bit of Faux Science is being forced upon all humanity by the IPCC with the same admonitions as a Speaker Pelosi forcing a two thousand page act. “We must hurry up and pass this so we can see what is in it” is an inappropriate attempt to create a world tax, to support a world government and create world serfdom. Traditionally trained scientists have noted the warmist flaws and have argued against this intentional fraud for decades now. These arguments are far above the limited understanding of the talking airheads of broadcast mass media and the sophist scribes of print mass media. These are the reliable outlet for elitist fictions. Human caused climate change has always been an IPCC load of dung. Early on the wheels of falsified data and errant math formulas fell off. Then the Jones-Mann-Hansen team of oxen got mired in the sticky ruts of truth. Now the final two wheels are falling off the cart. Humanity can now see the full level of stupidity of this government ordered load of guano. The IPCC fiction was founded on a fountain of lies. The more the lies flowed the more the foundation eroded. No amount of spinning can turn fiction to fact, but over time facts can reverse fiction. If you are a believer in AGW then recognize that as a fact. You are a BELIEVER, and as such suffer the fate of previous failed belief systems. The provable, empirical universe is immune to any human belief system. The fact that millions of humans, for thousands of years BELIEVED that the Earth was flat and/or the Sun revolved around the Earth had virtually no impact on the actual condition of the Universe. Believing that human carbon energy use warms/changes/endangers the planet is just that, a belief. There is no empirical evidence to support this belief. The warmist hypothesis was cut from whole cloth two decades ago and cannot conform to any subsequent research findings. The warmist intransigence on public debate has allowed no input or discernable refinement to their hypothesis. Many of the data sources cherry picked for AGW support have subsequently refined their theories and now no longer are supportive. Additionally, non climate related sciences have joined the debate with fresh material and perspectives. Of the many off based complaints by the AGW believers, is that deniers are well organized and funded by the dirty carbon energy supporters. This is as blatant as any fiction about the AGW science. Another is that while they are correct, their message has not been properly packaged for public consumption. With direct access to the main stream media, the government and the complete education system, this is hardly a plausible claim. However, the claim of proper packaging can be made for the deniers. Since our rebuttal involves complex physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy it is difficult to transcribe to laymen terms. This two week thoughtful research papers have been posted that may resolve this issue. If still beyond the average reader, then this new information should persuade any science trained individuals with any remaining questions. One remaining wheel on the IPCC ox cart is the fundamental hypothesis of AGW, the back-radiation hypothesis. Long troubling to more informed scientists is the thought that atmospheric Carbon Dioxide can absorb and ‘re-radiate’ warming energy back to Earth. This is reduced to fiction in the article “Maxwell vs Planck” by Frank Davis and posted [here]. The final remaining wheel supporting this wonky cart is the distorted ice core CO2 ratios. This bit of fiction is refuted by David Middleton which compares the IPCC conforming ice core data with non hypothesis supporting plant stored CO2 ratios. The ice core data requires questionable ‘adjustments’ to be hockey stick usable. The plant data does support the non adjusted data. The reader can make their own judgments after reviewing the material posted [here]. “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it” is a popular refrain. Given what we now know it is best we do NOT do anything about it. Taxing carbon use into oblivion will have no change on climate. Current renewable and green energy schemes are just that, schemes. All of these schemes rob us of limited resources just to benefit the politically connected few. The most frightening and potentially dangerous of all the BELIEVERS efforts is in their proposed ‘Geo-engineering Projects’. The arrogance of those who cannot predict next weekend’s weather to assume they have the authority to spray chemicals into the atmosphere and the oceans to solve a problem that only exists in their belief system is beyond inhuman. If there is one climate that is in desperate need of change, it is the climate of thought in these feeble brains.

Joseph A Olson, PE -- Bio and Archives

The Strange Tale of Green House Gas Gang and Motive Force for All Climate Change are both posted at ClimateRealist.com along with a complete series of articles on the Geo-nuclear climate forcing theory.