
Undeniable evidence of God's existence is readily observable worldwide

Why I believe in God

The bible makes no attempt to prove the existence of God. Undeniable evidence of God's existence is readily observable worldwide and all of the biblical writers simply assume His existence. For example King David wrote "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the skies proclaim the work of his hands" (Psalm 19:1) Such universal language is readily understood by people all around the world and as far as God is concerned only a morally deficient person would deny His existence and thus David calls such a man a fool (Psalm 14:1)
There is no shortage of scientific and archaeological proof of the existence of God yet millions of militant atheists continue their war on Christianity. Why? I suggest the real problem with the atheist is a "heart" rather than "mind" problem and a propensity to deliberately suppress truth. For me a babies cry, the beauty of a lily, the splendor of a rainbow or the majesty of a clap of thunder speak eloquently enough on God's behalf. But the real reason I believe in God is because I have experienced personally His love. It is no exaggeration to claim He changed my life and continues to give me hope, courage, joy, peace and purpose in an increasingly dark and purposeless world. I think I shall wait in vain to hear an atheist make such a claim. Gerald Hall Parksville, B.C.

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