
Now that they've staked their reputations on O'Donnell's losing they will work diligently to guarantee that outcome

Who Needs Elections? Let’s Have Rove and Krauthammer Pick our Candidates

Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer are furious at the Delaware voters for unseating the establishment RINO, Castle in favor of the tea party constitutionalist, O'Donnell.
Karl Rove, by the way, is the architectural genius whose strategy gave us Obamacare. Yes, it is his fault. And now he has even more sage advice for us. Karl Rove and his boss gave us Arlen Specter, the unprincipled (but moderate) senator adored by Rove and Bush. In mob fashion they kneecapped Pat Toomey in 2004 when Toomey tried to unseat Specter in the Pennsylvania senate primary. Rove, ever the unerring political genius, calculated that they needed the safe, unthreatening RINO Specter to reign in Pennsylvania in order for Bush to win the state in 2004. They got their RINO and lost Pennsylvania anyway. Six years later when polling made it clear that populist anger and another Toomey challenge was going to end Specter's career, Specter switch sides to become a democrat. As a democrat in the senate, Specter was the 60th vote for cloture to pass Obamacare. We can thank Rove, Bush and the republican establishment for the nation-destroying Obamacare program now in place. And Rove thinks O'Donnell is "nutty?" Once upon a time the ruling class, compassionately conservative Rove had a vision for a permanent Republican majority. He had a theory vetted by history and thoroughly parameterized with deep mathematical electoral precision. Yes, Karl Rove had a strategy, and when it was shattered in 2006 and 2008 by huge left wing majorities it exposed a vast, soulless republican wasteland. Naive, arrogant and unprincipled are now the adjectives permanently attached to Charles Krauthammer. Doesn't Krauthammer realize that the spineless (but moderate) Castle as vote #51 would constantly blackmail the ruling republican senate majority, always threatening to jump the republican ship and join the democrats as Specter (and Jim Jeffords) did before him, if he didn't get what he wanted? Rove is defending the first supposedly principled stance of his life by claiming, "his job is not to be a cheerleader for every Republican." No, his job is to be a cheerleader for every RINO. Krauthammer has borrowed Rove's magic electoral algorithm and is able to say quantitatively that O'Donnell has only a "one in ten" chance to win her senate race. The problem with self-important pundits like Rove and Krauthammer is that now that they've staked their reputations on O'Donnell's losing they will work diligently to guarantee that outcome.

Claude Sandroff -- Bio and Archives

Claude writes regularly on politics, energy and science.  He is a former research scientist currently working with high tech companies in Silicon Valley.