
"You will regret doing this"

White House threatens Bob Woodward over sequester reporting

Barack Obama wanted to be sure that everyone on Earth was 100% convinced that the sequester was a Republican construct.
Unfortunately for the President, Bob Woodward came along and reported the truth. Friday's impending sequestration was created and approved by the President and his team before being delivered to Congress by White House Budget Secretary Jack Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors. As Woodward's story spread, he went on MSNBC and called Obama's hand wringing over the new budgetary constraints "a kind of madness." Apparently, the President is less than thrilled with the fact that Woodward has dared to utter the truth about the sequester, because his people are ramping up the standard Chicago thuggery in response. Yesterday on CNN, Woodward told Wolf Blitzer that an undisclosed "very senior person" at the White House has been sending him threatening emails. The messages are in direct response to Woodward's reporting, and clearly state that he "will regret doing this.” Here's the video, first posted by TownHall.com

This administration manages to get creepier by the day.

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