
News Media tends to be more entertaining than news-based. This is also one of the reasons why so many people are so deceived in the area of politics

Which Dog do you Want in this Fight

There are two factions in American government today. There are, of course, the political parties dominated predominantly by Republicans and Democrats. There are other parties that pop up their head from time to time to squeak a troubled voice that pushes some small object which is, to them, of some significance but with shifting priorities almost on a daily basis, those things that they tout to be so important has its day followed by some other thing: In and out, coming and going and gone again. However, American politics is predominating Republican and Democrat.
Let’s see what stirs these two parties. Republicans are known for being consistently Conservative. There is some confusion about what Conservatism means and some of this confusion is intentionally infused into the mix by the Democrats. However, being Conservative mostly means that there is emphasis on preserving the old traditions and landmarks, preserving the intentions of the Founders. Democrats who are not known as Conservatives think that Conservatism is a weakness because they are so willingly changeable that they promote this lack of steadiness, this liberality as desirable flexibility that is inherent in modernity. To the Democrats, being fixed in tradition, being held by rigid standards, is a weakness that only they, the Democrats, are able to isolate and overcome. Democrats are so willing to change, as if change is a positive characteristic, denies that they acknowledge the reality that Republicans are changeable. Republicans change where desirable and needed but not as a preferred modus operandi as experienced by the Democrats. A minor proof of this is whenever you engage a Democrat in a simple argument: When the discussion starts dealing with facts, which are fixed and invariable, the Democrat immediately moves to another topic. They cannot deal with something that does not shift and move to the untenable and assume that they only can fathom the moving target and are willing to deal with it. Democrats cannot deal readily with what “is” and prefer to talk about what might be, the theoretical. With a theory, the definitions are not always fixed because understanding the theoretical is changeable and so is the definition of the theoretical. Under analysis, Republicans predominantly work with things that exist or with things that are possible. In a simple way of viewing it, Democrats are more comfortable with dealing with theories and “what if” situations that they love to grapple with and define as they move along. Republicans are more realistic. They are dynamic operators while Democrats are more static and move around in their priorities.
Beyond the basics of Republican and Democrat philosophy, what are their priorities today, also in a simple way; what are their everyday priorities? What do they live for, politically speaking? Republicans are more into caring for and about the country. They are sometimes forced to move in Democrat Party circles but this is not a Republican priority or they would be Democrats! But while Republicans are more about promoting and caring for and about the country, what is the same impetus for the Democrats? What are they doing almost on a daily basis? Democrats are almost constantly working against the Republicans. Instead of promoting the country, instead of spending most of their time in the best interest of America, Democrats work against Republicans and seem to believe that if they undo, upset or nullify what Republicans want for the country, then this is what is most important, not only for them but for the country. Republicans are mostly acting positively about the country and Democrats are mostly negative about anything Republican. There it is in a nutshell. One would think the choice is simple and easy as to which political party is most desirable. However, playing to the traditional is less desirable, it seems, to the Left (the Democrats) who prefer to push emotional issues and this is used as a tool to confuse and obfuscate. It is a Democrat tool used to attract the unwary, the unfamiliar with history, to their side. Meanwhile, Republicans plod along with tradition at their backs, apparently expecting people to see the difference between them and the Democrats. Because the Media is predominately more-aligned with the Left, the Democrats, the views are distorted as perceived by the public. This is also intentional. A person must go beyond practical wisdom if knowing the truth is the goal. This is one of the reasons that the News Media tends to be more entertaining than news-based. This is also one of the reasons why so many people are so deceived in the area of politics.

Bob Lunsford -- Bio and Archives

Mr. Lunsford is a retired DoD telecommunications engineer, linguist and world traveler now living in eastern Kentucky. Still active in radio communications, he has several books copyrighted, one of which is now in final process of publication. He is politically motivated and, as much as possible, politically active.