
It seems that just as the Democrats took Election 2020 away from an unsuspecting electorate, they plan on taking the Oval Office by stealth

Where is President-Elect Joe Biden?

Where is President-Elect Joe Biden?On the last day of the same year that the Democrats openly rigged Election 2020, where is the usually loud mouth Joe Biden? Why is Fox News’ president-elect who spent much of his last 47 years in public office bragging about his fictional achievements now playing such a low profile? As CFP’s dear friend Dub in Florida emails when we haven’t been in touch: “Wuzzup?”
According to 99 percent of the media, in only 21 short days from now the media-declared president-elect will be inaugurated at the White House—and no one can do anything to stop it—on a plan painstakingly worked on for the last four years by devious Democrats. You’re about to Napoleon-Like place the emperor’s crown on your own sleepy head Joe, but where’s all the hoopla and the party? Will the Obamas and Clintons be flanking you as you solemnly swear to protect America against all enemies both domestic and foreign? Will it be John Roberts who will be swearing you in? The president-elect has been exceedingly garrulous and loquacious for the duration of his checkered life in public office. Why so close-lipped now? The donkeys in the Democrat Party should be out there braying it up, but they’re not. Why has their braying come down to only crickets? Other than boasting about imposing a nation-wide lockdown on Americans as his first move, Biden has only talked about issuing an executive order halting any Trump ‘midnight regulations’.
“President-elect Joe Biden will issue an executive order halting "midnight regulations" on day one of his presidency, incoming White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday. (Fox News, Dec. 30, 2020)
"We’re announcing today that, like other incoming administrations have done before, the Biden-Harris White House will issue a memo to take effect on the afternoon Eastern Time on January 20 that will halt or delay midnight regulations, actions taken by the Trump administration that will not have taken effect by Inauguration Day," Psaki told reporters. “Midnight regulations are rules that outgoing administrations rush through during the lame-duck period. “Psaki cited a pending Department of Labor rule that she says would make it easier for businesses to classify their workers as independent contractors instead of salaried employees with benefits. “Psaki noted that "issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for an incoming administration.” “Congress is also wary of the Trump administration's midnight regulations. A group of Democratic Congressmen introduced the Midnight Regulations Review Act earlier this month, which would require the U.S. Government Accountability Office to provide Congress with information on the final regulations that the Trump administration ushers through.”

In the aftermath of a still ongoing Election, the heat has come off of the Democrats for all Election discrepancies and descended upon the Dominion Voting network, owners of which have sent Conservative outlets a libel chill via multiple threatened lawsuits. Things aren’t looking so good for Dominion which was live hacked during yesterday’s election hearing in Georgia. “During Wednesday's election hearing in Georgia, inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer established a two-way communication with a Dominion Voting Systems machine from a polling pad in a voting center. (Free Pressers, Dec. 31, 2020)
“At this very moment at a polling location in the county, not only do we have access through the devices to the poll pad, the system, but WE ARE IN,” Pulitzer said.”
There’s no news but Fake News on the ‘Net, while everyone’s obsessing about Covid. Just as they’ve done over the past four years, the Democrats have let the media, Hollywood and Big Tech do all the heavy lifting. The latest comes from a Walmart staffer of a company raking in billions from the masses.

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Testimony

Big Corporations Like Walmart Look Down on Trump Supporters - Sen. Josh Hawley. (Breitbart, Dec. 31, 2020)
“Wednesday on FNC’s “The Story,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) elaborated on his response to a tweet apparently from a Walmart employee post on the Walmart Twitter account rejecting Hawley’s pledge to challenge the 2020 Electoral College certification during a joint session of Congress on January 6. “Hawley told fill-in host Will Cain that he was not surprised by the sentiment, adding big corporations had adopted a so-called “woke” view on politics. “I’m not surprised,” he said. “I mean, these big corporations, these multinationals, they are — first of all, they’re all woke now. They all supported Joe Biden. And they all secretly look down on the people they supposedly serve. I was stunned by that tweet by Walmart. I mean, you talk about insulting, you talk about condescending. I look forward to them explaining that to the millions of people who shop there, by the way, including me and my family.”

Meanwhile, all is quiet on the Democrat Joe Biden Inauguration front. It seems that just as the Democrats took Election 2020 away from an unsuspecting electorate, they plan on taking the Oval Office by stealth. Could it be because they genuinely fear the outrage of the masses they betrayed? Inquiring minds would love to know.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.