
But with Progressives, truth doesn’t matter; it’s merely an inconvenient bump in the road to socialist paradise.

When it comes to accusations of racism, truth is no defense

TRUMP, MEDIA, RACISMThere isn’t a day goes by without the Progressive Left branding someone with whom they disagree politically as “racist.” Someone please tell me what’s racist about pointing out that the city of Baltimore, or Chicago, or Detroit or any other large urban center in America, is a disgraceful dump, rife with poverty, crime and violence because corrupt politicians have made it so. The fact that the overwhelming majority of these cities are run by Democrats doesn’t logically translate into racism, unless it’s also that a large number of politicians governing these jurisdictions are black.

Donald Trump’s observation that Baltimore is a disgrace to America

Then “racism” becomes a horse of a different color. Such is the case currently with the twitter war between the President and Congressman Elijah Cummings. Donald Trump’s observation that Baltimore is a disgrace to America has nothing to do with the color of those running the city or even a congressional district, but has everything to do with the scandalous conditions under which so many citizens of American cities are forced to live. In short, Trump’s observation is true. It’s also true for cities like New York, Chicago, LA and San Francisco, not to mention Portland Oregon and its lawless streets. What do all these cities have in common? They’re all run by Democrats. So, let’s take a look at some of the various and sundry problems currently plaguing some of these communities. Detroit, once one of America’s wealthiest and most fabled cities, has been mugged, raped and plundered into bankruptcy. When Coleman Young won Detroit’s mayoralty in 1974, the city was well under way into economic oblivion. Twenty years later, at the end of his tenure, Young left Detroit a lot poorer, losing some 400,000 population in the process. Oh, and Young was a Democrat.

Los Angeles, home of the glitter, glitz and glamour associated with Hollywood and of course, the epicenter of a vast array of dysfunction disguised as virtue

Another amazing piece of work was Kwame Kilpatrick, who presided over Detroit as mayor from 2002 to 2008 and defrauded the city of over $200,000 for personal expenses. He also served in prison for obstruction of justice and perjury. Kilpatrick was also a Democrat. Oh, and both men are of African American origin. So you see, it’s racist to criticize them. Los Angeles, home of the glitter, glitz and glamour associated with Hollywood and of course, the epicenter of a vast array of dysfunction disguised as virtue, has over 60,000 homeless people. Recently the New York Times, bastion of the Progressive Covenant, excoriated Los Angeles and its politicians for its homeless crisis. Never mind people sleeping outdoors; what about their biological functions? By the way, did I mention that LA is run by Democrats? And the people of LA have so lost faith in their government that the last election for mayor, held in May 2013, saw Eric Garcetti get elected with a 19% voter turnout, defeating his closest rival with 54% of the vote, meaning only about 10% of voters voted for Garcetti.

San Francisco’s homeless problem appears to be worse, as the Titans of Technology have made living in that city unaffordable

But wait, there’s more: San Francisco’s homeless problem appears to be worse, as the Titans of Technology have made living in that city unaffordable. People making $60k per year working on the various tech campuses in and around the Valley simply can’t afford $3500 a month for a one bedroom, so they wind up living in their car. And San Francisco’s sanitation problem is every bit as bad as LA’s, as daily media reports advise citizens of streets that have an overabundance of fresh human excrement to avoid. In point of fact, roughly one in four homeless Americans live in California and California is run by—you guessed it: DEMOCRATS! Chicago, Carl Sandberg’s once proud hog-butcher of America, has degenerated into a nightmare, where routinely dozens of people are shot to death in a single weekend as a result of internecine gang wars. A typical resolution to gun violence in Chicago entails the nation’s most restrictive guns laws, laws so bad that they have repeatedly been struck down by the Supreme Court. Yet Chicago’s gangbangers, many of whom are Americans of African descent seem to have little or no problem getting their hands on prohibited ordinance to do each other in. This is not a racist statement, but a statement of fact, empirical truth that’s verifiable through public records.

Racism, sexism, homophobia and all the assorted isms with which we assassinate characters nowadays are merely much more novel ways to tell people to keep their opinions to themselves

Again, Chicago is run by Democrats and they tend to look after their own interests before the interests of the people. Even St. Barack Obama’s record isn’t as lily-white as the Progressive media would have you think, when you factor in the Rev Jeremiah Wright, Weather Underground revolutionaries Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn and of course the ever-popular Tony Rezko, currently nearing the end of a 10.5 year prison sentence for corruption/extortion. The point of all this is that very often President Trump isn’t as far off the mark as media types and Democrats would like to have you believe. Racism, sexism, homophobia and all the assorted isms with which we assassinate characters nowadays are merely much more novel ways to tell people to keep their opinions to themselves. I think one of the telling indicators that’s what’s being said is really close to the truth, is the amount of vitriol raised at the statement. The President’s critique of Baltimore was bang-on and Elijah Cummings’s role in creating that state of affairs is significant, given the length of time he’s been in office. But with Progressives, truth doesn’t matter; it’s merely an inconvenient bump in the road to socialist paradise.

Klaus Rohrich -- Bio and Archives

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism.  His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others.  He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto.

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