
Ontario Landowners Association (OLA) to Tory MPP:

We stand for ideas, not political labels

Progressive Conservative MPP Norm Sterling should stop dragging the Ontario Landowners Association into his political battles, says the group’s president. “Mr. Sterling should understand that the OLA is a non-partisan group that is dedicating to protecting property rights,” says Deb Madill. “We are not a political party. We care about ideas not party labels.”
Madill made the comments after media reports indicated Sterling, who is in a nomination battle, talked about MPPs running in the next provincial election as “Ontario Landowner” candidates.

Ontario Landowners Association -- Bio and Archives

The Ontario Landowners Association shall defend and promote the principal of strong local governments, democracy, and natural justice and represent the interests of the rural community.

For Rural Ontario to survive, Property Rights and judicial reform must be enshrined into law at all three levels of Government, these being; Federal, Provincial, and Municipal.


Rural Ontario is under systematic attack by government bureaucracy and false environmentalism.


The Ontario Landowners have and will continue to expose and meet these threats with determination and resolve in the court of public opinion.