
Final Phase of Attempt to end the USA in progress

We are Being Summarily Destroyed

We are Being Summarily DestroyedThe original COVID-19 attempt to lockdown the US citizenry and destroy the Trump economy by shutting down businesses and our work force did not quite go as Democrats had planned. As soon as the country began ever-so-slowly reopening, the economy—which President Trump had been instrumental in forming—began to again come alive. The Luciferian Left Democrat Party cabal was stunned. They had planned this out from the beginning so that there would be no chance of the US Trump economy coming back…so that their candidates would win the November elections. Then, the now-fully-Marxist Democrat Party would retake our country and place our citizens and other inhabitants into economic bondage…forever; or until they had stolen everything from us. Think Venezuela. But, it didn’t work.

Today, the abject insanity we are currently experiencing has nothing to do with tearing down statues of racists. But, it has everything to do with the eradication of our History

Now, the LL Democrat contingent is reapplying their initial plan and is beginning a new COVID-19 “scare” (more cases have been identified) and is calling for another lockdown…a lockdown with which the Dem-run States are eagerly complying. The reason, of course, for the identification of more cases of this sometimes-very-severe-version-of-a-cold-or-flu is because we are now doing more testing; testing that was demanded by the Democrats and testing which they are now using as a weapon against President Trump and the American people. The interesting and imperative-that-it-be-shared is that there is not an increase in deaths or hospital admissions from this “second wave” of COVID-19. The testing process has merely shown that many people have been exposed to it and are either experiencing no symptoms, whatsoever, or the symptoms are extremely mild. New laws have now been created out of thin air by Democrat mayors and governors…and we are expected to obey them or be arrested. These illegal “laws” were quickly put into place when an ostensible “worst-plague-ever-since-the-Spanish-flu” came into existence. It’s a Coronavirus and so is the common cold. These new “non-law laws” which include staying inside your homes, wearing masks and “social distancing” everywhere unless you are part of a violent BLM and/or Antifa mob fly in the face of the US Constitution. Yet, many of the American people have been so cowed and appear to be so afraid that they are obeying their new Masters without questioning them. Today, the abject insanity we are currently experiencing has nothing to do with tearing down statues of racists. But, it has everything to do with the eradication of our History. When statues of past heroes and icons are removed and history is not truthfully taught in schools, it takes very little time to remove it from our minds. The Marxists will then rewrite it for their own benefit. These Marxist Antifa and BLM groups are rioting, pillaging and burning. These ever-violent groups are forming their own “autonomous zones” and are claiming secession from and the United States of America. Neither the Democrats (who believe they are greatly benefiting from this chaos and war being waged against the American people) nor the Republicans have, as yet, stopped them. We are being torn apart and are experiencing either full-on support for the criminal rioters in one political party and apathy from the other. We need a resolution and an end to this continuing madness. To President Trump: Sir, we-the-people need for you to speak out firmly and consequentially about the chaos and destruction now being waged as a war upon us and what you—as president—can Constitutionally effect to end this madness. Please, we need to hear your voice and to again experience your unwavering resolve! “Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted”-- Hebrews 12:3

Sher Zieve -- Bio and Archives

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.