
Abandoning all pretense of journalistic integrity

Watch: CNN's Christian Amanpour loses her mind in interview with pro-Brexit Brit

CNN. The Clinton News Network. That bastion of journalistic integrity which, if you believe so-called 'moderates' represents one of the last two truly unbiased news sources in the United States. (The other, because they're not really moderate, is the laughably left-wing NPR.) For liberals who are willing to drop the whole "oh, we don't own a TV shtick" and still subscribe to cable, CNN has become something of a public persona litmus test. By pledging their allegiance to the grand pappy of cable news nets, they can pretend they're not quite as crazy as MSNBC viewers, but are still better than those Right Wing Nut Jobs watching Fox.

CNN stalwart comes completely unhinged on-air

So it's always fun when a CNN stalwart comes completely unhinged on-air. Take, for example, 'renowned journalist' Christian Amanpour. She recently interviewed MEP Daniel Hannan. He's a conservative who represents South East England and was a lead campaigner in the Brexit "leave" movement. Christian Amanpour is obviously outraged that Britain decided to dump the EU, and she figured her interview would be a good time to go completely bonkers about it. She came unglued and hit Hannan with a blindside attack worthy of deranged hacks like ISIS or Chris Matthews. Watch her go nuts as she tries, desperately, to call Hannan a racist without actually saying it...

How close to the surface the CNN anchor's globalist instincts have bubbled

Hannan does a fine job of weathering Hurricane Amanpour, but the real takeaway here is just how close to the surface the CNN anchor's globalist instincts have bubbled. Remember: These are the people leftists feel are too moderate. To them, Amanpour is about as middle of the road as a reporter can get. Get them alone, put a drink in their hand, and they'll tell you how CNN is just a right wing water-carrier for the GOP and the military industrial complex. ...And yet, when the chips are down, CNN anchors always show their statist, globalist, colors. Thanks for providing an example for the ages, Ms. Amanpour.

Robert Laurie -- Bio and Archives

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com

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