
Rubio's record in the U.S. Senate

Washington is broken

As a Floridian, I am disappointed at Marco Rubio's voting record in the Senate. He has a responsibility to do the job he is being paid for and to protect the interests of his constituents. The honorable thing to do would be to resign. He's not earning his paycheck.
In reality, how much would it matter? Washington is broken. I can't image how completely frustrated he and others must be with the entire debacle. It has come to light that Jeb Bush's campaign advisers told him to attack Rubio's record during the last debate. I consider that a completely fair move by an opponent. That's politics. According to Politico, Harry Reid missed 52% of Roll Call Votes, Rubio 25%, Cruz 21%, Graham 18% and Kirk 16%. But, of course, Harry Reid doesn't need to campaign. Wayne A. White Englewood, FL

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