
The Left is inexorably committed to putting Hillary Clinton in the White House, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get her elected

Voter Fraud Is A Serious Threat To The Election

The proliferating violence and threats of violence by Islamic Terrorists and Black Lives Matter thugs is another powerful indication of how crucial the upcoming presidential election is. President Obama and his clone, Hillary Clinton, not only refuse to find fault with these two factions, they even blame today's violence on the racism of police and the evils of White privilege. Because our president condones the violence, it will continue until a new political philosophy is established in Washington. The political positions of our two choices for president are diametrically opposed. Mrs. Clinton has made it crystal clear that she will not only continue Mr. Obama's policies, she will expand them. She dismisses claims of Islamic Terrorism, and is committed to increasing Muslim migration into the United States. Mrs. Clinton also plans to enlarge Obama's deportation amnesty program for illegal aliens. Contrariwise, Mr. Trump has committed to do whatever he can to end the calamitous policies of the Obama administration. He might not be able to turn back the clock and recover the America we once had but at least he will not encourage the chaos taking place in our cities.
Some polls are indicating that the public's opinion of Hillary Clinton has declined while Trump's approval rating is increasing. The percentages of these poll changes seem minor but they are heartening. But polls do not elect presidents, voters do. And today's voters are a far cry from how the Founding Fathers envisioned our nation's voters. Consequently, Americans should be very wary about the legitimacy of the 2016 presidential election. Although illegal immigrants do not have voting rights, lax oversight and outright dishonesty permits countless of them to cast votes. Also, the rules on restoring voting rights to convicted felons are often circumvented or deliberately ignored. Prominent Democrats are desperately seeking to pad voting rolls with massive numbers of felons. We should also be concerned over the awesome power of an electronic media that long ago abandoned morals, ethics, and integrity. The media staunchly promotes Liberal causes, and doesn't even pretend to be fair and balanced. Unfortunately, the Leftist media includes far more news outlets than the three radical ones: the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN. Although the public is not as susceptible to media lies as it once was, media's manipulative techniques are still effective. We should be seriously concerned about the upcoming presidential debates, as we know the Left-leaning moderators will try to make Hillary look good, and Trump look bad. - We mustn't forget how CNN's Candy Crowley inappropriately injected herself into the presidential debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. Mr. Romney stated, correctly, that for almost two weeks, President Obama refused to refer to the Benghazi attack as an "act of terror." Mrs. Crowley, stepping out of her role as a moderator, advised Mr. Romney that Obama had indeed called it an act of terror from the beginning. Months later, after the election, Crowley reluctantly admitted that Obama had not specifically called the attack an act of terror until long after it occurred.
Another concern is that half of our population is less than 35 years old, which means that they were born after 1980. Consequently, during their formative years they were indoctrinated by a politically correct academia, media, and entertainment field. The indoctrination of young Americans has been especially severe in schools of journalism and we are witnessing the results of that indoctrination in today's media reporting. We cannot predict how this under 35 group will vote, if they do vote, but we should be concerned. The group of voters that is most troubling are those who approach this election idealistically rather than pragmatically. Although opposed to Hillary Clinton, they say they will not vote for Trump because he is not perceived as conservative enough. He may not be conservative enough for some, but he is certainly the "lesser of two evils." However, these ideological Utopians claim that a vote based on the "lesser of two evils" will compromise their principles. But compromise is essential to survival, and almost every decision we make in our lives is based on the lesser of two evils. Those who refuse to vote for Donald Trump, who vote for a third party candidate, or who abstain from voting altogether, are casting a vote for Hillary Clinton. Although the Left will dismiss this opinion as coming from a "conspiracy kook", our primary concern about the upcoming election should be voter fraud. Let me explain. For well over sixty years, the Civil Rights movement has been the primary focus of American society. It has dominated political activity, college curriculum, social structures, civic arrangements, news reports, and entertainment venues. Civil Rights has controlled opinions and discussions, the way news is reported, and how our society is allowed to be portrayed in entertainment venues. These ways have become sanctified and differing opinions are not permitted.

manual and electronic manipulation of votes

A legacy of the Civil Rights movement is "civil disobedience"; protesting against what is perceived as inequitable or lacking "social justice." Voter fraud was once considered dishonest, or cheating, but it is now justified as simply another form of civil disobedience. Many feel that stealing an election is an honorable act if it is stolen for a candidate who supports their view of "social justice". These Americans no longer believe that illegally influencing the outcome of an election is wrong if it is done for a good cause. But what constitutes "a good cause" is based on the phenomenon "perception is reality." Many think of voter fraud as random individual incidents, like two that were revealed after the 2012 presidential election. One lady publicly boasted that she was able to vote for Barack Obama four times, while another bragged about casting six votes for him. Although these incidents are becoming common, they are not the most serious kinds of voter fraud. Numerous sophisticated techniques for committing voter fraud are now set in place. These techniques are often difficult to detect, and were suspected of heavily influencing the 2012 election. The fact that the outcome of the 2012 election contradicted all the pre-election predictions raised serious questions about its validity. The outcome of an election can be changed in many ways: ballot stuffing, double voting, absentee voting, voting with names of dead persons, erasing names from voting rolls, turning registered voters away, arbitrarily switching votes from one candidate to another, and falsely tallying votes. With electronic voting machines, large blocks of votes can be deviously, and easily, moved from one candidate to another. Electronic voting machines can be easily hacked from parking lots outside polling locations. As a check on the credibility of vote counts, exit polls of voters are characteristically taken at polling places. Exit polls are radically different from pre-election polls. Voters are asked for whom they voted right after they vote. Exit polls can predict the actual vote with a margin of error of a few percentage points. If the actual vote deviates from the exit poll margin of error, clerical errors or voter fraud is indicated. In the recent Democratic primaries, voting results outside the exit poll margin of error occurred in at least 8 of the 16 voting states. In each case, the questionable vote results favored Hillary Clinton and were detrimental to Bernie Sanders. Poll watchers for Bernie Sanders insist that fraud took enough votes away from their candidate to cause him to lose certain states. Leftist media outlets maintain that these voting discrepancies are just "coincidences" and those who claim otherwise are on a "witch hunt." This quote is from the New York Times: "...we can safely classify widespread voter fraud as a misperception - and one that is far more prevalent than the practice itself." Media sites that claim voter fraud is a "misperception" are the same sites that maintain that potential voters should not have to show a photo ID in order to vote. As we would expect, they dredge up the old racism accusation, claiming that this requirement is simply a ploy to prevent minorities from casting votes. As we think about the Democratic election strategy, certain questions come to mind. Is the public gullible enough to believe that open borders and unchecked immigration do not harm job opportunities for natural born citizens? Can Democrats convince the public that globalism is more important than patriotism? Will the public believe, that in the year 2016, racism is still a more critical problem than the epidemic of crime and violence in our streets, the staggering cost of living;nearly hopeless families without money, unemployment, unchecked immigration, and the corruption of our elected officials? Over the years, media elites have been able to manipulate the opinions of a substantial segment of our society, but with the present dire conditions in our country, their devious propaganda might not work. The Left is inexorably committed to putting Hillary Clinton in the White House, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get her elected. Their political philosophy is "the end justifies the means" and so they have no qualms about stealing this historic election. In fact, we must assume that they have already planned furtive strategies to insure a Hillary Clinton presidency, including manual and electronic manipulation of votes. Voter fraud will be a significant part of the Democratic election plan this year, and Republicans, as well as Independents, who support Donald Trump must seriously devise a way to prevent it.

Gail Jarvis -- Bio and Archives

Gail Jarvis is a Coastal Georgia based freelance writer. Following a career as a CPA/business consultant, Mr. Jarvis now critiques the establishment’s selective and misleading reporting of current events and history. Gail can be reached at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)