
Royal Canadian Legion waiting for response from Federal Government

Veterans funerals and burials issue still not addressed

By Bruce Poulin at Dominion Command, The Royal Canadian Legion——--November 30, 2012

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Ottawa, ON – 29 November, 2012 – Canada’s Veterans deserve proper compensation and the financial support that recognizes the significant contribution they have made to the peace and stability of this country. What are they getting from the Federal Government? Inaction on several fronts; a program called “Cutting the Red Tape” that is plagued by dull scissors; no specifics on how or when proper funding will be reinstated to cover funeral and burial costs for the most needy of Veterans.
In an open Letter to the Editor of 8 November 2012, The Royal Canadian Legion specifically asked the Government what it was waiting for in providing Veterans the ultimate show of respect they so richly deserve. It has been three weeks yet still there is no response from the Federal Government. The Legion first identified the importance of proper financial support for funerals and burials at its 2008 national Dominion Convention. Again in 2010 it was identified to government as a high priority issue. In 2012, The Royal Canadian Legion unanimously passed a resolution at Dominion Convention and presented a statement to the Minister of Veterans Affairs calling on the Government to take any and all necessary action immediately to increase the Veterans Funeral and Burial Program services More recently, on 3 November the Legion hosted the annual Veterans Consultation Group meeting of 17 Veterans organizations. The Group unanimously agreed that the inaction to the long overdue improvements to funeral and burial benefits for Veterans and their families is appalling. Veterans’ organizations, the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman and the Parliamentary Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs unanimously agree that this needs to be fixed now. These Veterans and their families are the most vulnerable and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Public support around this issue grows every day and the Legion will continue to pursue it. Remembrance Day may be over but the care and concern for our Veterans never ends. Canadians have not forgotten our Veterans, and the Legion never will. To the Federal Government of Canada...we’re still waiting. What are you waiting for?

Guest Column Bruce Poulin at Dominion Command, The Royal Canadian Legion -- Bio and Archives

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