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Urology and Health

Cranberries, cystitis

Cran-Max Cranberry To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

July 13, 2004

Why didn't doctors listen to their mothers? For years they counseled that cranberry juice was an effective way to treat urinary tract infections (UTI). Yet doctors passed off their advice as just another old-wive's tale. Research now proves them wrong. And there's a new super-charged clinically proven cranberry supplement, "Cran-Max", to help people suffering from the "We-know-where-you're-going" syndrome.

Maurice Chevalier often said "vive la difference!" when comparing men and women. He wasn't, of course, thinking about bladder infections. But when the Great Creator designed the female anatomy He or She made a structural error. Women have a short urethra, the tube that carries urine to the outside. This makes it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder causing cystitis.

Few women ever forget the first full-blown attack of cystitis, the severe pain on urination, increased frequency and fear if there's blood in the urine.

It's estimated that urinary tract infection (UTI) affects 30 t0 50 million North Americans every year. This accounts for up to five million physician annual visits, and explains why eight out of every 10 women suffer a UTI at some time in their lives. It's a huge expense when one in every seven healthcare calls are for urinary-related conditions.

Native Americans used cranberry poultices to treat arrow wounds. And cranberries dried with meat made pemmican to treat fever, diarrhea and swelling caused by heart and kidney disease.

But where is the clinical evidence that cranberries help fight UTI's? In the early 1980s studies on mice were published in the Journal of Urology. This showed that cranberry juice inhibited the adherence of Escherichia coli to the cells lining the wall of their urinary bladders. This bacteria, E coli, is the main cause of UTIs in humans.

Then in 1991 the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine reported that researchers in Israel had finally proved that mother was right. Cranberry juice helped to flush E coli out of the urinary bladder.

Studies show that E coli have hair-like protrusions that enable them to stick to the bladder wall, thus helping them to multiply. And that the tanins and proanthocyandins in cranberry juice are the anti-sticking factor that cripples these hair-like protrusions.

Cranberry juice does not kill E coli. Rather, it helps to prevent recurrent UTIs. But drinking juice presents a problem. Cranberry juice cocktail is expensive and only contains 27 percent cranberry juice. The rest is sweetened water loaded with calories and you would have to drink from 10 to 20 ounces a day. So although effective, there's simply too much sugar for most women. And if you're a diabetic the last thing you need is more sugar.

This problem has been solved by the Cape Cod Biolab Corporation. Cran-Max is a high-powered supplement containing the entire cranberry, fruit, seeds, skin and juice in a single pill.

Cran-Max also has a unique delivery system that protects the supplement from the stomach's gastric acid. Since it's slowly released, E coli are constantly bombarded by its anti-sticking effect. And the dosage is just one 500 milligram pill a day.

The one-a-day Cran-Max routine is ideal for women in a number of different situations. It may be the answer for those who have suffered repeated UTIs that have not responded to a battery of antibiotics.

Cran-max will also be helpful to menopausal women who are more prone to UTIs. Following menopause the lining of the bladder thins from a lack of the female hormone, estrogen. And with more women now refusing this hormone, one can predict an increase in the number of elderly women troubled by bladder infections.

The longer I practice medicine, the more I'm convinced that too may consumers take too much man-made medication when natural remedies are frequently safer and often just as effective. Cran-Max fits that need.

Today doctors and patients face another major challenge. The overuse of antibiotics has resulted in many becoming ineffective due to antibiotic resistance. Hopefully one-a-day Cran-Max can aid in decreasing the need for antibiotics in many patients suffering from urinary tract infections.

W. Gifford-Jones M.D is the pen name of Dr. Ken Walker graduate of Harvard. Dr. Walker's website is:

My book, Ò90 + How I Got ThereÓ can be obtained by sending $19.95 to:

Giff Holdings, 525 Balliol St, Unit # 6,Toronto, Ontario, M4S 1E1

Pre-2008 articles by Gifford Jones
Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod