
I figured that after the citizens of our Country had witnessed such atrocious spending, and printing of money, and the massive borrowing by our political elite, that through our process of free elections, we’d right our ship…

Until Now

Well guys, I’ve gotta say that when I pulled up today’s headlines, I was shocked. No, actually shocked is an understatement. In all reality…I was stunned!
I went to bed at 9:30 last night and got up at 2 am, number one because I was tired so I went to bed early, but secondly because I really didn’t want to undergo the stress of watching the election returns. I figured I’d just get up, get on the internet and see that as a Country, we’d realized the terrible mistake of this past 4 years and redeem ourselves at the voting booth…until now. I figured that after the citizens of our Country had witnessed such atrocious spending, and printing of money, and the massive borrowing by our political elite, that through our process of free elections, we’d right our ship…until now.
I figured that even though many had made the mistake of voting in “a person of color,” mainly because of guilt associated by actions that were taken so many years ago to suppress the “people of color” by others, that they’d now realize that actually none of these actions had ANYTHING to do with them, and that their casting their “sympathy” votes during the last election was in reality, wrong…until now. I really still believed that the citizens of our Country were smarter than making the very same mistake again, in regards to the associations in the past, and present, that our President had, and still has…until now. I believed that, as a whole, our children and grandchildren’s futures were much more important to us than what our politicians obviously thought…until now. I believed that the freedoms and liberty this great Country of ours stood for, and represented to us, such as our “freedom of speech,” would be appreciated once more, and that we’d finally silence such absurd thinking created through, political correctness…until now. Which by the way, this very same political correctness, AND our freedom of speech all allowed our political elite to misconstrue, turn around and twist, and misrepresent through wording, and by these actions, to finally use these very same freedoms to destroy our Country as we’ve always known it. They literally used these very values to turn our world upside down, as law-abiding, taxpaying, hard-working, family oriented, and a Christian people (majority wise), into an agenda of everyone being equal. This IS…social justice, or social equality. Welcome… More...

Dub and Deb -- Bio and Archives

‘Ridin Out The Recession With Dub and Deb in “Miz Judi’s Kitchen’!

Note to Readers: There are a few things that Dub doesn’t know but one thing he does know is that the word ‘Riding’ (as in Riding Out the Recession) is spelled with a ‘g’ at the end.  But Dub not only walks the walk, but speaks like he is: down home, true blue, and plain speakin’ country folk.

Dub and Deb are both native Floridians, live in Central Florida, and run a small business as well. They have five children, and seven grandchildren.

Both love to cook, love to laugh, grow a garden, and generally try to “aggravate” most anyone around them basically…all in good fun, of course!