
You might have reason to be just a tad bit nervous if the UN is involved in election interference just so they can get the U.S. back into paying the UN for climate change

UN Crying ‘Climate Crisis’ as the Means to Interfere In 2020 Elections?

UN Crying ‘Climate Crisis’ as the Means to Interfere In 2020 Elections?OK...so I'm laughing already... This article states...and I am quoting now...
"In his opening speech to delegates on Monday, the U.N. chief cited recent scientific data showing that levels of heat-trapping gases have hit a record high, reaching levels not seen for at least 3 million years when sea levels were 10-20 meters (33-66 feet) higher than today."
So, the "heat-trapping gases have hit a record high, reaching levels not seen for at least 3 million years"...wait for it..."when sea levels were 10-20 meters (33-66 feet) higher than today." Again...So 3 million years ago "heat-trapping gases" were the same as today and back then the sea levels were 10-20 meters or 33 to 66 feet higher...so these people at the UN don't even have a clue about what they're talking about...it would seem that said "heat-trapping gases" haven't had any affect on the sea levels and perhaps there isn't such a crisis ... Especially when the sea levels just haven't co-operated. Perhaps this has more to do with Trump not cooperating, less to do with climate change and more to do with foreign interference in the next U.S. election, wouldn't one think? I mean all of a sudden the chief of the UN is now crying "climate crisis" and others have stated an 18 month theory...so one could come to such a conclusion, now, couldn't one? And if it is the case of foreign interference in the U.S. election does that mean the UN is culpable? Love Trump or hate him...if you're an American you might have reason to be just a tad bit nervous if the UN is involved in election interference just so they can get the U.S. back into paying the UN for climate change, shouldn't you? Just a little somethin' somethin' to perhaps think about when you hear all of this climate hysteria...calmer heads need to prevail... Related:

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• Non-Partisan Advocate
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• Author – “Property Rights 101:  An Introduction
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