
All they want you to do is believe the illusion: America is saving the world from Putin, who is an enemy, not only because he's Russian, but because he, according to their complex false narrative, helped Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016.

Ukrainian War Illusions

All things serve the narrative. No matter what happens politically in the world, if the statist globalist cartel that firmly believes the only way to fix anything is to insert more government into the problem is involved, what is on the surface for you to see is simply an illusion. All things serve the leviathan. All things feed the behemoth. All signs point to tyranny, and feeding the agenda that is designed to lead the whole world to a global version of mass collective communism.

The ends justify the means. The goal is power, wealth, and control. That's it. It is that simple.

Ukraine has the most corrupt government in the world and their leader challenges Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the Tinkerbell scale

The complexities we are presented when it comes to the political scene are all a part of a smoke and mirrors campaign. Sleight of hand. Watch the debate while they devalue your dollar. Watch the war while they hide the evidence, or profit through investments in conflict (or both). Be obedient and wear your mask and get your jab. Believe Chicken Little as she screams the Sky Is Falling thanks to man-made Climate Change, even though real science proves it's a natural phenomenon we have no control over. Accept the narrative, believe the insurrection tales, and keep hoping your vote means anything as they artificially manipulate everything. If you dare show any sign of dissent, then you are a hater, a denier, a racist, and an insurrectionist. Expose them in any way and you become Public Enemy Number One. Stand against them and you are a rebel, a radical, a fascist, a conspiracy theorist, a spreader of misinformation, and a domestic terrorist. Fight against them and you will be raided, investigated, held without due process, forced into trying to defend yourself in kangaroo courts, canceled, censored, defunded, deplatformed, demonetized, deconstructed, ridiculed, accused, and shut down.

We must understand all of those things if we are to look at world events through the proper set of goggles. Nothing is as it seems. Nothing is on the up and up. Everything is an illusion.

The Russia invasion of Ukraine is not a good guy, bad guy scenario. Putin is not necessarily the villain, but at the same time he's not exactly someone we can trust. Ukraine has the most corrupt government in the world and their leader challenges Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the Tinkerbell scale. 

Perpetual emergencies and wars are a must if power-grabs and the rise of tyrannical bomb-throwers are to happen during the giant, global, puppet-theater

The invasion may or may not have been in the plans of the globalist statists, but one thing is for sure, once it happened they were going to do all they could to ensure that they did not let the opportunities associated with the war between Russian and Ukraine go to waste.

They never let a crisis go to waste.

Who benefits from the war? For the schemers, everyone who should in the eyes of the authoritarian statists, if the illusions associated with it are applied properly.

Their analysts no doubt have studied the scenario carefully, and have scripted as best they could what needs to be the illusions if it is to work in the favor of the anti-liberty crowd. Yes, yes, I get it, Putin is not exactly a good guy either. Despite all of that, should we not use a little logic and critical thinking? Should we not ask, "Who's benefiting from the war?"

The beneficiates are pretty much everyone except for the Ukrainian people, the people of Europe, and the American taxpayer.

The leaders, all of them, the elite power-players of the leftist, globalist, communist cabal are definitely doing well as a result. It's an emergency, it's a crisis, so money is spent, and wealth is being made, and power is being increased in the hands of the tyrants who want it most. Perpetual emergencies and wars are a must if power-grabs and the rise of tyrannical bomb-throwers are to happen during the giant, global, puppet-theater.

Money, and equipment, we are told, needs to go to Ukraine. Even fighter jets. Do it. Do it now. Do it, or you are a racist white supremacist hater of democracy

And now, we are being told we need to spend a lot more money on the war in Ukraine. The anti-war Democrats, their establishment RINO Republican accomplices, and their complicit media partners are begging for more money to go into the foreign entanglement overseas. If you disagree, well then, you must be a fan of Putin, a Russian collusion theory denier, and an anti-democracy insurrectionist. Money, and equipment, we are told, needs to go to Ukraine. Even fighter jets. Do it. Do it now. Do it, or you are a racist white supremacist hater of democracy.

After all, the internal affairs of Ukraine, and the war between Russia and Ukraine, are apparently more important than using that same money on affairs that more directly influence Americans, to the people pulling the strings in the global puppet show that has risen to insane levels.

One must ask, "How does being involved in the war in Ukraine at any level benefit the United States?" A war between us and Russia is not beneficial to American interests in any way, shape, or form, so why are we playing war through Ukraine?

War does, however, benefit the Democrats, and their allies who obey, feed, and benefit from the massive leviathan stomping through the swamp they have created. War, historically, is good for keeping administrations in place. The logic screams that you don't change leaders during such emergencies. Lincoln remained President through the War Between the States, Wilson kept his job through World War I, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected four times during rising hostilities in Europe and the Pacific, and the eventual advent of World War II.

Oh, and there is all of the money being made, and power being accumulated, but nobody talks about that part of it.


How effective have those sanctions been? Currently, Russia's economy and currency are stronger than before the war

Despite the rhetoric, the reality is that Americans do not necessarily approve of what is going on. Involvement in the war by the United States has not provided for us any vital strategic advantage. While on the surface the objective is to keep Russia out of Ukraine, at what point to our satisfaction will we ever see that objective as being achieved? We have an administration who doesn't care about any of that. All they care about is pumping more money, more materials, and more equipment into the war, and they have proven they have no limit to how much they are willing to send. Is that because it benefits their wealth and power? Could it be that they might be using a smoke and mirrors campaign to cover up their true dealings in past decades in Ukraine? We can easily throw words around to prove our point, right? You know, like Burisma?

The supporters of U.S. involvement in Ukraine are the same folks who screamed in opposition regarding U.S. involvement in the Middle East. If regime change, or foreign entanglements, are not right for one global situation, why are they right for the other? For those who argue the U.S. is not supposed to be the world's police force, why is it those same people support our involvement in Ukraine?

We must also ask if what we are doing is actually effective. Are we accomplishing the goals we have set for this conflict? The U.S. has, after all, sanctioned Russia as punishment for their encroachment against Ukraine. How effective have those sanctions been? Currently, Russia's economy and currency are stronger than before the war.

The curtain is pulled tight. The wizard is tugging on levers as quickly as he can. The illusion of anger, conflict, war, smoke, and mirrors spins around in a smoky haze, orchestrated by people who want you to believe the spin they present to you. The global consortium does not want you to know what is really going on, who is benefiting, and what the end-game is. All they want you to do is believe the illusion: America is saving the world from Putin, who is an enemy, not only because he's Russian, but because he, according to their complex false narrative, helped Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016.

Douglas V. Gibbs -- Bio and Archives

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on “Hannity” and “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks.  Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator.  Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.