
Getting my life back together

Turtle and His List!

Good morning guys! I hope this finds everyone doing very well. Well, let’s try this…I’m back, once more.
I gotta tell you guys that the loss of a spouse has been much, much tougher than I would ever have imagined. It’s been as if I just couldn’t shake it?? I’d feel better, only to realize once more, that I was nowhere near where I should be in regards to my life. Up and down, up and down. Good days, bad days… Where’s normal, I’d ask myself? Will I ever BE normal again?
For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out just where I was at, and even worse, how to get back to this…this…thing known as normal? I’ve talked to countless friends who’ve experienced this same thing, and every one of them have tried to express the time involved, the effort involved, the emptiness, the “firsts” that come around that you have to deal with. Birthdays, holidays, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc., etc… My last post, about a month ago, I thought I was beginning to FINALLY get things together again, only to slip once more, into some type of funk?? I don’t know any other way to describe it…just some type of funk. I have a friend who’d told me of her coming home in the evening, locking the doors, pulling down the blinds, keeping the house dark where people would think her not home, or in bed. More...

Dub and Deb -- Bio and Archives

‘Ridin Out The Recession With Dub and Deb in “Miz Judi’s Kitchen’!

Note to Readers: There are a few things that Dub doesn’t know but one thing he does know is that the word ‘Riding’ (as in Riding Out the Recession) is spelled with a ‘g’ at the end.  But Dub not only walks the walk, but speaks like he is: down home, true blue, and plain speakin’ country folk.

Dub and Deb are both native Floridians, live in Central Florida, and run a small business as well. They have five children, and seven grandchildren.

Both love to cook, love to laugh, grow a garden, and generally try to “aggravate” most anyone around them basically…all in good fun, of course!