
Obama lacks a deep, abiding set of principles: Obama is a racist. He favors violent anti-American races because he wants to feel different and foreign


I’m sick of the word “racist" and the accusation. In my youth, rape, murder robbery and de facto deeds were in fact the real sins. Attitudes like racism were meaningless unless they were grounded in action. Get over it. Maybe blacks are uncomfortable around whites and Chinese, and Chinese don’t understand blacks and women don’t feel the bluntness of men. Who cares as long as we are not taking each other’s heads off? Prejudice without action is merely perception. Who cares what you think as long as you don’t act on it?
We are not looking for politically correct thought. We want politically correct action. Sensitivity has caused a misinterpretation of reality and people are calling Trump, who never killed anyone, Hitler. Yet the youth at anti-Trump rallies are turning violent and beating people up. Leftists are wielding weapons while they are masquerading as sheep. I have never seen Trump hit anyone. His behavior is gentle unlike the protestors against him. Leftists think that Trump is a racist because of his comments on Judge Curiel , who is trying his case on Trump University. Representative Paul Ryan described Trump’s comments about U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel as “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” I used to respect Ryan. Well, before he lost his debate to that clown, Joe Biden.
Doesn’t Ryan realize that Trump was concerned about Curiel’s Mexican heritage because Curiel might be prejudiced against him because he had openly said he wanted to build a wall between the US and Mexico and because he said Mexico was sending the low end of its society illegally through the desert not their finest scholars and businessmen . Trump is against coyotes abusing and sneaking children into our country. Now what are the chances that Curiel, who is a member of La Raza, could be open-minded on the Trump University case when he obviously would be offended by Trump’s comments? Curiel had a conflict of interest and should have recused himself. Don’t forget that Curiel is an open borders immigration activist. This is not a case of racism but of judicial procedure. Fairness is the modus operandi; not some made up racism. The judge is also a member of HNBA [Hispanic National Bar Association], which intends to target Trump’s business interests. Trump had every right to question Curiel. He is far more anti-Trump than Trump is racist.

And what about Romney? I am ashamed that I voted for him twice. He actually said Trump is setting a dangerous example by promoting “trickle-down racism.” Nonsense. Trump has employed people of all races, sexes and ethnicities. Our current president, Obama, has trickle-down economics. All his people are earning less money than they were before he came to office—their incomes have trickled down to nothing. And Obama has exacerbated trickle-down racism. He makes beautiful, liberal speeches and our cities erupt in flames and beatings. Violence is prevalent. By espousing peace Obama has inflamed killings. He should just shut up. At Romney’s conference Meg Whitman likened Trump to Mussolini and Hitler. Gee, Trump’s son in law is an orthodox Jew. I’ve never seen him lining up Jews for the crematorium. Yet Obama has set up Israel to be nuked by Iran. Give me a break. Whitman has no skills with analogies. Trump in no way relates to Hitler. She is as stupid emotionally as Romney. Trump said that Romney is bitter because he’s a failed presidential candidate who “choked like a dog.” Romney is running around shining the spotlight on himself when he is once again irrelevant. Why does he even comment on Trump? He is the wings of the theatre not on the stage. And the Muslim violence goes on. Obama announces they are a peaceful people and on the morning of June 12, 2016 49 people are killed and about 53 injured in a gay Orlando nightclub by a Muslim terrorist. The killers name was Omar Mateen. Note Obama, it was not a Jewish name like Stevie Schwartz. Quit aiding and abetting Iran and people who shoot gays. You promote gay marriage and gay culture while you praise Muslims who kill them. Radical Islam is radical Islam. But our bigoted President won’t even name the name. In fact he wants to bring in more immigrants from the most dangerous Muslim country in the world, Syria. Obama is a racist. He favors violent anti-American races because he wants to feel different and foreign. He is different. He is the first American President that has done everything possible to undermine our traditions, values and safety. It’s not that he is black. It’s that he lacks a deep, abiding set of principles. I wish he were white so that we could blame it on us. We get everything else blamed on us anyhow. We have broad shoulders. We can carry it better.

David Lawrence -- Bio and Archives

David Lawrence is a writer for Canada Free Press.