
The alternative is for Albertans to brace themselves for a just, fair and equitable sharing of miseries and poverty, perhaps deeper than that suffered during the 1930's great depression

Trudeau's Post Covid Economic Disaster!

In both the throne speech, and the following speech to the UN, Trudeau clearly indicated he does not intend to return to the pre-Covid Canadian economy. Trudeau talked of a post-Covid "new green, low carbon, fair and equitable society and economy", alluding to UN's Agenda 2030 dictates on globalism, and a new world order, both politically and economically, all wrapped up under a UN based central world government and new world currency, at least for those countries who join in. In Edmonton, 50% of small businesses are not expected to reopen. Nationally, that figure is over 40%. Thanks to the Trudeau government mandated economic shut down, without CERB or extended EI, millions of Canadians can no longer pay rents, mortgages, debts, utility bills, etc. and now face the prospect of being on the streets, penniless and homeless as winter approaches.
Trudeau's response to this pending disaster just last week, was to make an initial $1.2 billion available to warehouse homeless Canadians in hotels and motels to be purchased by the provinces. By his actions, Trudeau must believe that for Canadians to accept the transition to his new green equitable and just society and economy, the remnants of the old economy must first be destroyed, making Canadians dependent on government for survival. Along with this, under the guise of providing support to Canadians during the government created crisis and transition to a command style economy, is to first debase and then destroy the Canadian currency by continued printing of money by putting debt on the Bank of Canada's balance sheet until confidence in the Canadian dollar is lost. Once destroyed, Trudeau can more easily adopt the new world currency to be created by the UN. If no moderate Liberals step up and vote against the throne speech to defeat the gov't, with Jagmeet Singh's ND support, the Trudeau minority gov't will last until the fall of 2023, if not longer. What will Canada look like by then? Will there still be a Canada? As Winston Churchill said, “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” There is no prospect of, or way to remove the Trudeau Regime until an election in the fall of 2023 at the earliest. Alberta's premier Kenney appears deaf and blind to Trudeau's statements that the continued use of fossil fuels and Alberta's production of oil and gas, will pay for the transition to a low carbon, green, fair and equitable society and economy. Premier Kenney, on bended knee, continues to plead and beg Ottawa to honour his vision of a co-operative federation that doesn't exist. It seems that Albertans will soon need to choose between demanding that Kenney proceed with a vote on independence, or step down for new leadership. The alternative is for Albertans to brace themselves for a just, fair and equitable sharing of miseries and poverty, perhaps deeper than that suffered during the 1930's great depression.

Action Alberta -- Robin Day -- Bio and Archives

As Albertans, we say: “Enough is Enough”.  That’s why we’ve launched this website “Action Alberta” and a newsletter to inform, educate, and motivate Canadians to stand up, speak out and take action to address the inequality and s rel=“ubstandard treatment of Alberta and its citizens by our Federal Government.  Our goal is to change how we are treated by our Federal Government.