
We are holding you, President Trump, to your great promise that "America will never be a socialist country"

Time to shut down Google, Twitter, and Facebook on grounds of National Security

Time to shut down Google, Twitter, and Facebook on grounds of National Security,It can be proven beyond a doubt that Google, Twitter, and Facebook used, and continue to use, censorship, false accusations, content manipulation, and blatant liberal bias against President Donald Trump, his administration, his campaign, his supporters, and even non partial individuals who come forward with factual information that lends credibility to his policies and programs and/or could negatively affect Joe Biden and his campaign.     This past Wednesday in The Washington Examiner, Michael Lee wrote about Google's manipulation of the 2020 election. Here are a couple of excerpts from that piece:

'Strongly biased in favor of liberals': Psychologist says Google manipulated content ahead of election that swayed votes

Research psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein believes that search giant Google manipulated what content it showed users in the weeks and months before the 2020 election in a way that was highly favorable to Democrats. "We found a period of days when the vote reminder on Google's homepage was being sent only to liberals," Epstein said during an appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight. "Not one of our conservative field agents received the vote reminder." After Epstein made those results public, he said Google actually "shut off that manipulation" and were showing vote reminders to everyone in the four days before the election. Epstein said his team included "733 field agents" located in the "three key swing states" of Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida. Epstein said that the team found that Google's search results are "strongly biased in favor of liberals and Democrats," which was not the case on smaller search engines Bing and Yahoo. "The bias was being shown to pretty much every demographic," Epstein said. "Including conservatives."
"Conservatives got slightly more liberal bias in their search results than liberals," he continued. Asked by Carlson if he could measure the effect Google's manipulations had on the results of the election, Epstein said the search engine "could easily have shifted at least 6 million votes in just one direction," going on to note that that figure was his "bare minimum" effect on the election. "The maximum, we haven't even begun to estimate that yet because we have so much data to look at," Epstein said. Carlson responded by noting that the 6 million vote figure is the current margin of the popular vote in the presidential election. Epstein said the whistleblowers and leaked documents from Google clearly showed that the search engine did not want to see President Trump reelected. "There's no question that they set about after the 2016 election to make sure that President Trump, whom I do not support by the way, to make sure that he is not reelected," the psychologist said. "The massive amount of data we've collected is consistent with what the whistleblowers and leaks have been telling us for a long time now," he said. Epstein went on to claim that Google gets away with the manipulation because the search giant buys political candidates.

Google interfered with the presidential election

There is clearly enough information from Dr. Robert Epstein's research to prove Google interfered with the presidential election.  Add to these actions "Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel's claims that Google has "seemingly treasonous" ties with China" and there's more than enough evidence to investigate Google as a National Security risk. Facebook is also called-out as a National Security risk in a story in The Washington Times and Twitter is called-out as a National Security risk by the Washington Examiner. Both of these stories are compelling. Back in May of this year when Twitter "fact checked" one of President Trump's tweets for the first time the President threatened to "close them down"—speaking of social media platforms. 
And just yesterday President Trump Tweeted "For purposes of National Security, Section 230 must be immediately terminated!!!" Sorry to disagree with you Mr. President, but you need the help of too many bozos in congress to terminate Section 230.   I believe, along with almost 74 million voters (Probably even millions more) that it's time for you to "close them down!"  And you alone have the power to do it! Mr. President, issue an Executive Order now to shut down Google, Twitter, and Facebook immediately on grounds they all pose a National Security threat, pending a congressional investigation into election interference, aiding and abetting foreign enemies of the state, and treason. It's time to send a seismic shock to the core of the social networking cartel and hold the so-called masters of the universe responsible for their crimes against the state. We the people are holding you, President Trump, to your great promise that "America will never be a socialist country."

Neil Braithwaite -- Bio and Archives

Neil Braithwaite writes political commentary and satire.