
Nevada and Super Tuesday is everything for everybody

This time Trump

Donald Trump, a man of patriotic action, just took South Carolina’s republican Presidential primary (a tough state to win big) by 10 points, and heads to Nevada. If Trump wins there, it sets him up well for the upcoming March 1st Super Tuesday primary states. If Trump sweeps on Super Tuesday, then it is over. He will go on to clinch the republican nomination. Hillary Clinton has tons of problems with voters. Her monstrous negatives are made worse by her rival Bernie Sanders revealing them. According to numerous TV pundit-panelists, Hillary’s negatives soar while Trump's negatives have dramatically dropped in the last 60 days. But remember Donald Trump’s negatives can be brought back with a vengeance by ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, etc. etc. Just because you don't see them now, doesn't mean they can't come back in the general contest. America’s 2016 Presidential contest occurs during a political cycle in which Democrat voter participation is down by staggering percentages, while Republican participation is soaring.
Yet many pollsters say Hillary can beat Trump in the general contest. This is because the lib-left and drive-by media constantly bombard likely voters with news stories and polls that say Hillary will beat Trump. Many of us are skeptical considering Hillary’s soaring negatives, so we are compelled to ask: "Aren't these the same kinds of polls that were used to frighten conservatives back when they said Donald Trump would self destruct over his tough patriotic stances on illegal immigration?" Thus, we conclude most of these "Hillary brutally beats Trump" stories and polls are not much more than shady liberal democrat drive-by alarmist media mind-control tactics. Meantime, 2016 Presidential candidate Donald John Trump is still riding America populist tsunami. Newt Gingrich was the last man to win the South Carolina Presidential primary in 2012. He thinks Trump is quite dynamic, and is growing within the experience of running for President of the United States of America. Gingrich seems to also think Donald Trump is up to the job of being America’s 45th President, because entrepreneur philanthropist Donald Trump has successfully dealt with giant corporations, bureaucratic red tape and entities for most of his life. Thus, Newt thinks Donald Trump is better suited to be president than anyone else in the race simply because his competitors, except for Dr. Ben Carson, are politicians, who will continue on giving the House Republicans and United States Senators whatever they want. Remember, Newt Gingrich was ex speaker of the House of Representatives so he knows a thing or two about taking a president captive on issues, people, places and things of the Speaker’s choosing. Newt thinks a President Trump would be better endowed to resist Congress if necessary. Now, Newt, like him or not, has figured Donald Trump and the 2016 Presidential race out. Newt's saying people are sick and tired of politics as usual. And quite frankly, we agree, this is being proven more and more true every day, when we see the debt clock tick over to 19 trillion. People out of work, poverty out of control, a world besieged by terrorists, and John and Jane Q. Public are not amused at all. This is why we see Democrat voter roles suffering, (yes, we are factoring in crossover democrats) while Republican numbers are soaring. Thus, this gives us these two equations: Trump + Populist surge = Victory Hillary + Mass Discontent = Defeat
Trump would lead America on behalf of an entire nation’s population, not just one political party, faction or special interest. America’s masses seem to cherish the fact that Donald Trump resonates so well with them, because he truly empathizes with their situations. When you see The Donald at ease with his fellow citizens, Trump’s demeanor is just like ours; that he cares deeply about America’s dire issues and will address, then remedy their problems from a patriotic perspective and stance, one that can not be bought off, nor cheapened as past presidencies and congresses have done. Average every day Americans are starting to realize a President Trump will be a President for every single one of us. Back we go to the greatest American Presidential race in over a decade. We see Marco Rubio is in 3rd place right now, Ted Cruz is a marked man by Rubio, who inches ever closer to Cruz. Rubio taking Charlestown, and winning 2nd place in South Carolina, will send Ted Cruz towards Nevada in a slightly wounded state, however, Cruz's fortunes could change for the better during Super Tuesday’s March 1st contests. Both, Cruz and Rubio continue on like two TV cartoon characters bashing each other on the head with giant wooden mallets while Donald Trump soars above the fray on his populist surf board. Jeb Bush finally gives up, his donors having abandoned him for somebody else to back in the bigger contest. Kasich says he will never give up, and won’t, he wants to cash in on a possible brokered convention, after all, the New York Times endorsed him! Ben Carson says he is still in, but Carson’s followers might swing towards Rubio if he pulls out of the race. Many of us have a silent theory that the good Doctor’s loving flock will be wise and move to Trump, simply because Donald Trump is courting them honestly and openly, and also because, 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump is here to better the lives of every American societal demographical faction. In essence, The Donald is saying let the good times roll, bring back jobs, better lives for all, you know, the important stuff. Like putting America back together and making it great again. This is why Donald Trump's Presidential campaign is now Liberty’s runaway train. Because people are sick and tired, fed up with politicians and their never-ending failures and political excuses. And as openly patriotic people, they want to vote to save America and make it great again; to openly proclaim in the voting booth that all politicians have completely failed them. This time they openly vow to elect a non politician to restore fiscal sanity to our government. This is where we are compelled as American patriots to ask, where is it written that openly desiring to make America great again shames us as citizens? Is it also written that God-fearing, patriotic Americans must be forced to forever suffer; 19 trillion dollars in debt; 95 million out of work; record poverty; terror raging; millions displaced by wars and; the world spinning out of control, that we must sit there and be silent or vote for another politician or a democrat because failure to do so would be inconsiderate or even dangerous in the minds of liberal progressive anarchists? Or because it wouldn’t be “cool”? Well, this time we say we are fed up, nevermore, not one more politician shall pass. Nevada and Super Tuesday is everything for everybody. This time Trump.

Eddie Pedersen -- Bio and Archives

Eddie Pedersen is a 58 year old California Resident.  Lifetime Conservative Republican.  Hobbies are Hunting Fishing and Bicycling