
Remember, our strength is in God’s House, not the White House

They Are Coming For You

They Are Coming For YouIn the early part of the last century, the Communist Party tried to establish itself in the United States of America. Even after the successful Russian Revolution in 1918, the commies simply could not get traction in the independent thinking, American population. Soon after, the commies made a strategic decision to shift out of the public view when they recognized that they could not win as open public communists. They realized that, over time, they could embed themselves in American culture as progressive liberals, socialists, and even Democrats. Their modified strategic approach worked. They used the labor unions, then the teachers unions, and ultimately academia across the board to spread the communist doctrine.

Judeo-Christian religious community and how the morals and value system of that community was driving the character of American society

As their foothold grew, they recognized they had a problem. Their biggest opponent did not turn out to be the United States government as they already had a foothold there in the 1930s. Their major obstacle was the Judeo-Christian religious community and how the morals and value system of that community was driving the character of American society. What to do? What to do? What they did was initiate a two pronged attack. For the Baby Boomer generation, they began the destruction of the nation’s values and godliness with free love, recreational drugs, and the “do whatever feels good” culture. The veterans of the Haight - Ashbury movement are now the leadership of the Democrat Party. Do I need to name them? By the late 1970s, graduates of the Haight-Ashbury crowd were the teachers of America’s youth. For those of us old enough to remember, that was also the time shaming began about American patriotism. The Pledge of Allegiance began fading away as the normal first thing at school routine and the beginning of trying to get God out of the public square. Getting rid of God and programing our children began in earnest. At the time (1970) nearly three quarters of Americans were regularly attending church and most Americans considered themselves Christians. In 2021, only around half of Americans regularly attend church. Atheism and agnosticism is at the highest level in American history. Puzzle me this; the atheist’s position is that God does not exist, right? How does one not believe in someone that they believe does not exist? If, as they believe, God does not exist, why do they care if I believe in God or not? It appears to me that somewhere deep in their souls they understand that God does exist, and they are trying to rationalize away their own accountability. But I digress. The reality is that in America the Godly and the un-Godly number about the same. In my mind, just like in the original American Revolution, the Godly are going to have to step up to save the Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America. More specifically, the patriotic Americans still committed to the Judeo-Christian values system that made America great in the first place.

Evil secularism invading our churches

As Christians, we must pray for God’s help to quell the evil in the American government. God will need our help. First, as Christians, we must help the Americans that have drifted away from their religion, accept God again. If we can get them back to their church, to our church, or to any Christian church we can accomplish our mission of re-establishing a Christian majority in America because our society needs the moral sideboard that Judeo-Christian values provide. As the majority, Christians can then eliminate the evil secularism that has overtaken our culture. Christian must also reinvigorate a strict adherence to the word as documented in the Holy Bible. Too many churches have drifted away from God’s Word. Too many churches are preaching situational Christianity. God’s Word has been replaced by man’s words such as “equality” and “social justice.” God’s Word has been replaced with tolerance of such abominations as murdering our children in what should be the safest place in the world, their mother’s womb or even after birth. Where in the Bible is that acceptable? God’s words concerning same sex, sexual relations has been replaced by man’s words condoning such behavior and even celebrating it in the conduct of heretofore Christian marriage ceremonies. Any Christian church that celebrates any sinful behavior is a Christian church that has jumped off the rails. The members of such a church must get a handle on their pastor. Don’t misunderstand me, homosexuality is a sin, no better or worse than the sins you or I commit, but when Christian churches celebrate the sin of homosexual behavior by calling it marriage, it is an example of evil secularism invading our churches.

Christianity and American patriotism have been intertwined since the founding of this great nation

Lastly, it will be necessary to reinvigorate patriotism and the unabashed pride in America. The secularist evil in Washington is trying to destroy our pride in America and they are labeling any patriotic American as a terrorist. That is evil incarnate. Christians can start by reinvigorating patriotism right in our churches. It would be simple to raise patriotic conciseness by adding a patriot piece of music at an appropriate place in every single service, not just around our patriotic holidays. Christianity and American patriotism have been intertwined since the founding of this great nation. Christianity will survive no matter what happens in America. However, without Christianity, America will likely be changed, for the worse, forever. With Christians and patriotic Americans working together to overthrow the evil of secular socialism, America and the world will be a better place and smiled upon and blessed by God. To borrow an idea from Edmund Burke: If God fearing Christian American Patriots do nothing, then the evil of the progressive, socialist Democrats and their media and financial surrogates will triumph. They are already saying out loud that they want to re-educate us. That is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, and even today in Communist China. If we fail and they succeed, they will be coming for us! Remember, our strength is in God’s House, not the White House.

Steve Rossiter -- Bio and Archives

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.