
Let’s all get on the same sheet of music, unite and call the evil Marxist Democrat Party the Marxists that they are.

The Time Has Come to Get a Firm Grip on Reality

The Time Has Come to Get a Firm Grip on RealityLadies and gentlemen, we are now faced with a reality many of us have been reluctant to acknowledge. I was even cautious when I first began writing when I addressed the domestic enemies of our nation in the soft manner of my peers. I used the words used by our domestic enemies to describe themselves such as “liberal" and “progressive". Incredibly, things in our culture and society began moving faster and faster and I started being a bit harsher, tying socialist with liberal and progressive when talking about the American Democrat Party. With a few variations along the way, such as Marxism and communism combined with previously used terms, I have now settled on a term that encompasses the domestic enemy completely, the evil, Marxist Democrat Party, and I’ll continue using “Dimms” for short.

Then there is the evil Marxist Democrat Biden Administration

Why does this term work you might ask? The operative word is “evil". In the context of the United States Constitution, Marxism, in and of itself, is evil because it is the antithesis of the Constitution and everything it stands for. In the context of the Constitution, the majority of the Democrat Congress, both House and Senate, are regularly violating their Oath of Office to defend and protect the United States Constitution and are, in fact making every effort possible to destroy that Constitution. The members of Congress that follow Allah, are working to displace the Constitution with Sharia Law. Then there is the evil Marxist Democrat Biden Administration. First and foremost, the issuance of more questionable Executive Orders and Executive Actions in the first 100 days than most administrations execute in eight years. Then, of course, there is the obvious observation that Joe Biden is nothing more than a puppet, being controlled by whom? Who are the real puppet masters? We know for certain, he, she, or they were not elected by the people of the United States of America. We have already seen that the Biden Administration, carrying on from the Marxist Barack Obama’s Administration, is using the allegedly corrupt FBI in an overwhelming show of armed force against Rudy Giuliani. We have already seen the misuse of the Justice Department. Is the Internal Revenue Service being used as Marxist Barack Obama used it? Recently, the Marxist organization Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters showed up in Portland, Oregon marching armed in the streets. How long before we have gunfire in the streets of Portland? We know, heretofore, the Portland Mayor has prevented police from taking action against BLM demonstrators. At what point will armed citizens take action to protect their lives and property, if law enforcement does not? It ain’t rocket science, folks.

"Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you"

Some may challenge my assertion that the Democrat Party is Marxist. First, if you are not familiar with the Communist Manifesto, you best start there. Much of what is being driven by the Marxist Democrat Party leadership is being driven under the principles of the Communist Manifesto and Hillary Clinton's favorite book, 'Rules for Radicals'. These books are the complete antithesis of the U.S. Constitution and individual liberty. Many Democrat politicians will quickly raise their hands and deny they are Marxists, particularly those from red states. In reality, since the new Congress was installed, every one of them, with few if any exceptions, have voted in lockstep with the Marxist Democrat Party leadership. If they don’t recognize they are voting Marxist, then they are some of the useful idiots the Marxist Democrat Party so heavily depends on. So, the time has come where we must recognize the soft political rhetoric in attempting to not hurt anyone’s feelings can continue while we # foot around the reality, or we can join together and call it for what it is. Like it or not, wish it were something else or not, we are dealing with a somewhat successful Marxist invasion of our cities, state and federal governments. There is no point trying to play nice; the Marxist are not and will not play fair or nice. Their goal all along has been “their way or the highway,” using any means to an end. And they are damn close to achieving it. "Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you." ~ Benjamin Franklin We also need to remember exactly who we are dealing with in the general public. Some of the younger people are used to getting their participation trophies just for showing up. Their colleges have provided them with safe spaces where they can hide from the realities of the world. And, of course, too many colleges are “protecting” them from harsh speech from anyone that might actually educate them. Much of the opposition are simply “Snowflakes!”

We have exactly one election left to turn the tide of Marxism

We have exactly one election left to turn the tide of Marxism. We have a Marxist government today, and after 2022, we will either have a Marxist nation or we won’t. If non-Marxists can take over the House and Senate, we will have begun cleaning house and can continue to clean up in 2024. I’m approaching 75 years of age. If the Marxists are successful, it will likely take them a bloody decade or so to grab all the guns followed by a couple decades to realize their utopia of equal outcome (misery) for all. I figure I’ll be able to coast along for the remainder of my life, if I don’t die of a broken heart. My children will be around for a couple of decades after that and my grandchildren a few decades after that. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ~ Thomas Jefferson Let’s all get on the same sheet of music, unite and call the evil Marxist Democrat Party the Marxists that they are.

Steve Rossiter -- Bio and Archives

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.