
I want Trump to run the country and let the governors, mayors and city councils stew in their own juices. The folly of progressivism is clearer than ever

The Riots

Again, governors and mayors have had chances to show leadership, and they have failed at every turn. Nearly all the cities in America are run by Democrats. They have been charged to protect their citizens and the personal property of those who work in the cities, pay taxes and try to make the cities livable. I am in full support of the President declaring Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. With that designation, the full weight of national law enforcement and intelligence resources can be brought to bear on Antifa. I think we know where the money is coming from, who the real leaders are and what the apparatus looks like. The FBI and the Secret Service should fully investigate Antifa the way they went after organized crime in the 50s and 60s, and how Rudy Giuliani did in the 80s. I would love to see the organizational chart thrown up in congressional hearings and in an Oval Office briefing by the President. I remember those graphics during the Cuban Missile Crisis (yes, I am old enough to remember), the Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam War, 9/11 and other such events. I wonder what the country would think after the veil is pulled off Antifa.
It appears that some of the main operatives may have been appointees in the Obama administration. These individuals have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and were in the National Security Council. That means they were give clearances and access to the highest level of intelligence we had at the time they served. Is this a coincidence? I think not. The progressives who populate these bastions of equality and fairness are going to get what they pay for. When the mayors and city councils defund the police departments, there will be no one to protect the citizens and their property. How will they like the lawlessness that will break out? How will they like not having anywhere to shop? How will they insure the safety of their children as they go to and from public schools? How will they like seeing their property values spiral down in the cesspools that their cities will become? How will the cities balance their budgets when the tax base evaporates in front of them? Why would anyone want to stay in cities like that? They won’t, and people will leave in droves. Unfortunately, they will take their progressive politics with them, not realizing they are the ones who are as addicted to stupidity as are the mayors and council members they are leaving behind. Ignorance can be fixed but stupidity seems to last a lifetime. I predict that the real damage of the riots and CV19 crisis will be felt for the next decade or more. The disruption of the economy will be difficult to measure for some time to come. Many cities and states will likely never fully recover and will likely come begging to the congress and the President to bail them out of their stupid, misguided mishandling of their jurisdictional affairs. I do not want the President to call out the National Guard or active duty forces to go into the cities. I want him to run the country and let the governors, mayors and city councils stew in their own juices. The folly of progressivism is clearer than ever. As my Dad would say, “Never argue with an idiot. After awhile, people may not be able to tell who’s who.” My Dad was a wise man. I measure all men in my life by him.

Dr. Sam Clovis -- Bio and Archives

Samuel H. Clovis, Jr., Doctor of Public Administration
Liston to Sam on LATalkRadio, Sundays: 1:00 to 3:00 PM (PST)
(Impact With Sam Clovis)

Sam Clovis was raised in Kansas and attended the United States Air Force Academy, serving for 25 years on active duty as a fighter pilot.  He retired as a Colonel and the Inspector General of NORAD and the United States Space Command.

Sam served as a Fellow at the Homeland Security Institute, contributing in national preparedness and immigration policy.  He recently served as a tenured full professor of economics at Morningside College.

Sam has a BS from the Academy, an MBA from Golden Gate University and a doctorate from the University of Alabama.  He served as national co-chair and chief policy advisor for the Trump for President Campaign, was a policy director during the transition period and served as the Senior White House Advisor to the US Department of Agriculture.  He currently lives in rural Iowa.