
The issue will not be slavery but the fight stopping the ripping up of the Constitution and One Party Socialism. This is what the real underpinnings of this election are about.  The candidates don't make a lick of difference

The Presidential Election Isn't About Trump and Biden

The Presidential Election Isn't About Trump and BidenThe 2020 Presidential election isn't about the two candidates, it is about the changing of our Republic. The United States became a Constitution nation on June 21,1788, however the Constitution is nearing a crisis never seen before. The crux of the problem: a Constitutional election for president that could be the start of  a Constitutional Crisis. As events have unfolded in the past 100 days the re-election of Donald J. Trump or a loss by the president will result in  continued rioting in the streets. If President Trump wins by a landslide the street wars continue,  with a narrower vote margin for Trump  the riots will continue,  and if Joe Biden wins, a ground swell of Trump voters will revolt claiming an election was stolen by fraudulent mail ballots. 

Changing society and the Constitution as we know it here and now

As reported by the Boston Globe a secret bipartisan think tank in Washington DC has been running scenarios for several weeks about this very problem. Each scenario has fleshed out all possibilities and their conclusion; it doesn't matter who wins, rioting continues. The pretext of why riots continue has been established by multiple groups and individuals. The death of George Floyd was the flash point for politicians in Minneapolis to have their police forces stand down and allow businesses and a police station to burn. The only outcome of the failure to allow police and the National Guard to bring the rioting under control was the brazen power grab by BLM and ANTIFA. This emboldened these groups to continue rioting  under the guise of social reform to strengthen and grab more power and contributions to their false flag concern for minorities. The Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison pumped the gas peddle by pushing murder charges before an investigation was started. Ellison continued pushing the belief that Floyd's death was a result of racial contempt for Blacks by the Minneapolis Police Department. Never mind that  police chief Medaria Arandondo is Black and two of the charged officers were from minority groups. What was the rush, was it justice for Mr. Floyd or to calm the rioting,  or was it really about changing society and the Constitution as we know it here and now. Seattle was the next explosion and the call for defunding of the Seattle Police Department. The funds deferred  from the police budget were to be used to fund community police groups, a cadre of social workers who would handle nonviolent crimes reducing the probability of Black citizens from being shot by police. An area of Seattle was appropriated by BLM and ANTIFA and called CHAZ later renamed CHOP where citizen occupants would police CHOP. This would be a preview of the citizen police groups. The experiment  was a miserable failure and three people were shot, two died and all three……Black. A poor, poor example of how BLM could protect  young Black men from police. Again was CHOP a prelude to a new policing policy,  or was this another attempt to challenge the existing society norms in Seattle or to overthrow  the elected city officials or something even more sinister? From Seattle to Portland and the oldest ANTIFA organization in America. Portland ANTIFA, in concert with other groups throughout the United States, attacked a Federal Court House and attempted to burn the Court house and its occupants. This is when United States Federal Officers and Department of Homeland Security engaged ANTIFA and the reality that the true intentions started to become evident. After 50 nightly attacks on the Federal Court,  a negotiated agreement between Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, Kate Brown governor of Oregon and Federal Agencies agreed to have  Oregon State Police protect the Court house from further destruction. It didn't work, ANTIFA and BLM continued to riot, burn and threaten the citizenry. Mayor Wheeler's condo complex was attacked and Wheeler fled. BLM and ANTIFA were appeased and the violence continued. It was becoming more clear something else was the true nature of BLM and ANTIFA.

As the days and weeks of violent rioting, arson and death have continued national politics have entered into the fray

As the days and weeks of violent rioting, arson and death have continued national politics have entered into the fray. Biden and his Vice Presidential running mate Kamala Harris are blaming President Trump for his lack of leadership stopping the riots and the Covid 19 pandemic. Hilary Clinton jumped in to the headlines with, "don't concede the election if you lose Joe.” Chuck Schumer senior Senator (D NY) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D CA) have set up the prelude of a President Trump loss by saying Trump won't leave the White House unless the military takes him out of the Oval Office. This has further whipped up the left and has set the table for hostilities by ANTIFA, BLM and other groups to riot in new cities after the general election. Here is the true collusion of Democrat leadership, ANTIFA and BLM, a stuck election where the final results aren't known for weeks that cause a Constitutional Crisis further fanned by Left and Right leaning citizens fighting in the streets.  This is the true intention of the Left, to push a crisis so widespread that the only way to put a lid on the violence is to declare a national emergency and call out the National Guard to put down the insurrection.  How will members of the a National Guard handle this problem, members of the  National Guard will not want to attack members of their own political party, that is a conundrum.  History could soon repeat itself, this time it will not involve the North and South but the Left and the Right. The issue will not be slavery but the fight stopping the ripping up of the Constitution and One Party Socialism. This is what the real underpinnings of this election are about.  The candidates don't make a lick of difference.

Robert W. Ellsworth -- Bio and Archives

Robert was born and raised in the Midwest the son of a school teacher father and stay at home mother. As a child he spent many days on his grandfather’s farm learning how to work and appreciate the land. That appreciation for the land and hard working men and women who love a God and all things associated molded him towards the conservative side of politics.

Robert is father to three greatchildren and four wonderful grandchildren.