
The Plight of Double Standards

The November 3, 2020 presidential election was the biggest crime ever perpetrated against true American people, to undermine tradition and protection under our Constitution. Abetting the crime are liberal media sources, stepping out of their role of calling balls and strike, to become advocates and a driving force in support to this heinous crime. It is retaliation for failure to put over a false narrative of Russian collusion in the 2016 election, even before President Donald Trump was sworn into the office of the presidency. The Mueller Probe was a waste of over 3 productive years at a cost of nearly 32 million dollars, prompted on the word of one anonymous whistleblower.. Yet sworn affidavits by hundreds of identifiable whistleblowers can't even stir one justice outlet to review their testimony. I don't know how the double standard evolved between Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals; but it cannot be denied. One is transparent the other opaque. The Trump administration has been vastly criticized by the press for their openness revealing faults and quickly pounced upon; where as the Democrats are protected by selective reporting, omitting pertinent information of implication, reverting to the racism and xenophobia cards to distract the truth. Pelosi's and Schumer's favorite mantra against the Republicans, is their refusal to compromise on legislation that translates into, "You don't want to see it our way!"

George Giftos -- Bio and Archives

George Giftos is a retired travel agency executive, in management for agencies by Fugazy World Travel, U.S. Industries, Carlson Companies.
George is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.