
We are Americans. Hear us roar

The people are done with the business as usual

On both sides of the aisle, the two major political parties are a mess. The Democrats are backing Clinton who becomes more toxic with each revelation about her actions as Secretary of State. The Democratic voters are looking to Sanders as a revolutionary.
Some factions of the Republican Party are still casting about for a candidate they can stomach while Republican voters, in large part, are excited about Donald Trump, the tough spoken outsider. The under-reported, even ignored, story here is not the candidates, it's the people. The people are done with the business as usual of the two parties. They are done with being told who to support. They are done with cherry picked, insider candidates. They are done with biased reporting and misleading editing. They are done with government overreach. They are done with reckless spending. They are done with the EPA, IRS, TSA. VA, and all other mismanaged and inept government agencies. They are done with voter fraud, porous borders, the UN, Delta Smelt and staged protests. Get it? We are done, tired, broke and angry. If it takes Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to carry our message because you have chosen to ignore us -- so be it. We are Americans. Hear us roar.

Linda Barrington -- Bio and Archives

Linda is a 30 year resident of Florida having lived for nearly 20 years previously in Africa.  I am a mother, a volunteer caregiver, a tennis player, a news junkie and an avid supporter of the American founding fathers’ principles.