
It should come as no surprise that the ultimate result of the elimination of greenhouse gases is the elimination of life

The Liberal Death Wish

The quote below comes from a paper published through the University of Arizona. The article is a tutorial on the greenhouse effect and it is written in language simple enough for even a liberal to understand…unless that liberal happens to be a Hollywood celebrity or Al Gore.
“...Let's see how this works for a planet with no atmosphere. At the position of Earth, the absorbed sunlight is 240 Watts/meter2. In equilibrium, this means that the planet would lose heat to space -- as infrared radiation -- also at a rate 240 Watts/meter2. How can we calculate the temperature from this? Detailed measurements show that, mathematically, the relationship between heat loss and temperature can be described by the equation F = &sigma T4, where F is the rate of heat loss (the "heat flux") and &sigma is a fundamental physical constant (called the Stephan-Boltzmann constant) with a value of 5.67 x 10-8 Watts/meter2 Kelvin4. We can rearrange this equation to state that, for a planet with no atmosphere, T = (F/&sigma)1/4. Plugging in F=240 Watts/meter2 and &sigma=5.67 x 10-8 Watts/meter2 Kelvin4, we find that T=255 K, which corresponds to a temperature of -18oC or 0oF. Thus, if Earth had no greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature would be 0oF -- far below the freezing temperature! The oceans would be totally frozen and life would not exist on Earth. “
Since organizations such as the Sierra Club and other environazi alliances have stated that one of the primary goals they are shooting for is that of population reduction, it should come as no surprise that the ultimate result of the elimination of greenhouse gases is the elimination of life. So, does this mean that liberalism really desires to end all life on earth? No, of course not, what it means is that if you take the time to reduce the liberal argument down to the basics of an equation you find the end result. It all comes down to politics. Al Gore no more has a death wish than Obama has love for Rush Limbaugh. What he and all the other liberal leaders have is exactly the same thing that drove personalities like Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler and David Koresh; a desperate need for power. Just like all of their causes, the Global Warming hoax is simply a means to an end. For decades the progressives (socialists) have been chipping away at the central core of American culture…the belief in a creator. The first few chips removed the personalization; the idea that you had a one on one relationship with the one who set the universe into being. The next chips took away the family relationship and the honoring of the father and mother. Along with that came the respect for elders, paving the pathway into illiteracy, since one of those elders happens to be teachers. An illiterate flock is much easier to sheer than a literate one, so to consolidate that goal, liberalism infected the teaching profession. After that came the removal of the idea of individual worth and love of country, and the allegiance to a common goal of freedom and integrity. Now all the liberals had to do was find a scapegoat on which to pin all of the trouble that their programs had and will cause, especially since anyone bothering to check would find that every single liberal claim is an outright lie. Did you know that, under regular driving situations, adhering to the speed limit, paying attention to road conditions, that sort of thing, that an eight-cylinder Jaguar sedan is more efficient, gets better mileage and runs cleaner than a same year four-cylinder subcompact? Did you know that by adding all the so-called “green” do-dahs to engines in American we are actually making them less efficient and less clean? Were you aware that allowing a field to be grazed by cattle causes fewer harmful emissions to be put into the atmosphere than if the field is left to grown undisturbed? Did you know that as far back as 2002 a number of scientists not associated with the liberal mindset found that the earth may be entering a cooling phase rather than a warming one? With these and other examples forming an overwhelming amount of evidence contradicting their claims, the liberal leadership has had to find a scapegoat. And this is the one time they managed to learn from history. As anyone will see, if you know what has worked in the past, human nature being what it is, the same will probably work in the present. For example, during the French Revolution, the leaders of the rabble used envy and self pity to incite their mobs. The Bolsheviks did the same in Imperial Russia and so did the Nazis in Germany. Not soon after that China followed suit. What the rabble didn’t understand was that in every example they were simply exchanging one privileged class for another one. Has anyone seen the houses that Al Gore, John Edwards and George Soros live in? Granted, in every circumstance enough of those in the previous privileged class had abused that privilege to the point that they essentially got what was coming to them. Marie Antoinette is a glaring the successful and the prosperous had had the courage to police their own. Being willing to give up a few luxuries and a bit of power would have saved many an estate back then. We have a right to the pursuit of happiness, but it has to be an honest pursuit. So, who is the scapegoat today? Sarah Palin is a prime candidate. She is successful without benefit of liberal government programs. She is the mother of well adjusted, literate children and still married…happily married, mind you, to the father of her children. She is unashamed to express her Christian faith without sounding the clown, and worst of all she is a female conservative. That is almost as bad as being a black conservative. Consider what the liberals tried to do to Clarence Thomas. The Tawana Brawley hoax cooked up by Attorneys Alton H. Maddox, C. Vernon Mason, and preacher Al Sharpton and the concurrent lack of media interest in actual justice is proof enough. What is interesting is that Sarah Palin, Clarence Thomas, and even Joe the Plumber are merely examples of the average conservative patriot that resides in this country. Each and every one of us holds as a matter of character every attribute the liberal claims to defend, yet never does. Quite the opposite is actually true. The function of liberalism is the destruction of those attributes. Consider the cult of abortion. Where the teaching of science is concerned, the biological nomenclature has been twisted to the point that any mention of the developing baby as human life has been completely removed from the lexicon. Even suggesting that a growing, dividing egg in a mother’s womb may be human will drive most liberals into outraged apoplexy. Where the greenhouse gas fraud is concerned, consider the progress of the automobile: Overseas an MPG of 50 is commonplace. Here in the west, behind the walls of Congress the liberal has actively fought fuel efficiency in America because increased efficiency equates to increased freedom of movement, and that comes perilously close to increased self-reliance. The global warming lie is just another hammer chipping away at the American foundation. Ask yourself a few simple questions. Has the raising of taxes caused any economic growth? Has the increased governmental control of education increased literacy? Has the liberalism of American culture improved the strength of the nuclear family? Has the ability to sue at the drop of a hat raised or lowered prices? Has anything liberalism’s done made our cities safer, reduced crime, improved our schools, created solid dependable jobs, or done anything that it claimed it would do? This past year the liberals had total control of both houses in congress, a puppet in the White House and a majority in the Supreme Court. Did they accomplish one thing to improve this country’s condition? I can’t find it, and if the liberal tells you that doing so takes time, give them this example: During Ronald Reagan’s first year as President, during the same time span as Obama has had now, the economy had improved a full 180 degrees. I know. I owed a small business then…in Northern California. Despite the liberals’ cries that by electing a true conservative the earth was doomed, the economy continued to improve and America experienced the greatest amount of economic and cultural growth ever since the days after World War Two. We also garnered more respect than ever from the other countries in the world. Check the archives if you don’t believe me. So I ask you this, how are we doing now?

Bob Beers -- Bio and Archives

Bob L. Beers was a member of the Nevada Assembly representing District 21 in Clark County, Nevada. Prior to his election in 2006, he was an author involved in graphic arts and illustration.

Originally from Eureka, California, Beers attended Arcata High School and Humboldt State College. He currently resides in Henderson, Nevada with his wife and son.