
A tyrant came to power. His goal is the destruction of the Republic, and an end to freedom

The Iron Curtain Descends upon America, and gets Ripped to Shreds

It had to happen at some point in our history. A tyrant came to power. His goal is the destruction of the Republic, and an end to freedom. His banker handlers stole our wealth and many Americans are unemployed and losing their homes.
Iraq and Afghan war vets are sleeping in campgrounds since their unemployment has run out and even MacDonald's and Walmart aren't hiring He took over the auto companies and now wants to nationalize healthcare. This WILL eliminate private health insurance. I have family members who work for Bluecross who have told me if this Bill passes that their careers are likely gone. But something unexpected happened to the Annointed One, Barack Hussein Obama, on his way to becoming America's First Caliph. Something he never expected. He WAS on a roll and never thought his runaway train to a Marxist America would ever be slowed. He was arrogant and has a hubris, which I've never seen in a polititian. He went on TV every day, in love with the sound of his own voice, thinking he was still on a campaign. His malignant narcissism has no boundaries so he continued to push even more radical policies on the American people. So he "over-reached" and never considered he'd ever have any opposition. This overreach is a titanic mistake, and one which may halt his agenda once and for all. He tried to take away the health insurance choices of older Americans and deny them coverage under the guise of "Reform," and he attempted to rush it through without the Bill even being read. He turned a demographic which used to be his reliable constituents, into his disloyal, furious, opposition. As a young woman just said to Arlen Specter: "This is about the systematic dismantling of this country.... and YOU have awakened a Sleeping Giant." As FNC's Megyn Kelly observed, the topic of healthcare usually makes people's eyes glaze over. No longer. Many of us wondered what the tripwire would be. It wasn't Cap & Trade, Taxes, or Gun Control. It was Healthcare. Obama couldn't ram the Bill through the Senate..... and now Americans have read it. And they are absolutely incensed. The polititians underestimated the concern, and intelligence of the American people, and the issue has blown up in their faces. The Bill was crafted with the influence of Obama's "Healthcare Czar" Dr. Emanuel Ezekiel MD, the brother of Rham Obama's Chief of Staff. This guy is quite frankly frightening in his view of humanity. You are only worthy of care if you are "Contributing to the Communitarian." After you've outlived your usefulness to the state.... go away and die. Ezekiel Emmanuel and Joseph Mengele would have got on famously. For they both apparently share a common view of mankind. People only exist as a "Resource" to be used on behalf of The State. When the resource is used up, it is discarded. Sarah Palin was correct in her assessment of this monstrous Legislation. It's EVIL. The Bill is not just bad law it is something the NAZIs might have thought up. The very young, the disabled, and anyone over 50 will have care rationed or withheld altogether. They will force this upon all Americans with The Exception of the Political Class. THEY will have the Gold Plated healthcare plan like the Commisars and Apparatchiks had in Soviet Russia. And WE won't even have the option of paying for our own care with our own money, for that will be illegal. I frankly never thought ANYTHING would get Americans off their couches and begin to fight back. But they got up, got mad, and ARE willing to fight back against tyranny. Obama's union thugs and minions were sent out to beat up a Black Conservative in St. Louis, and threaten a man with a disabled son with DEATH in Michigan, who dared take exception to this nightmare Bill at a Town Hall. The man with the disabled son told Megyn Kelly of FoxNews yesterday: "They delivered their message." He then said that they should take care as he will use any force necessary, including LETHAL, to protect his wife and child. SEIU? You think you're tough by anonymously hanging a death threat on the man's door.? Meet your WORST nightmare: A free American Citizen, ABSOLUTELY willing to face prison if necessary to defend his wife, his child, and his Liberty. They brought down the Iron Curtain; are using Alinsky's Rules for Radicals as a playbook, and employing Chicago THUG tactics as the stick. It isn't working. It's UNAMERICAN, and we see that. Americans now recognize this for what it is, TYRANNY, and they are as mad as a nest of wet hornets. They don't want any part of this Communist Bill and its hideous implications for every free American. Obama wants us to "Shut Up." How dare that pompous, arrogant # tell a free people to shut up. We won't This isn't Indonesia or Kenya. and Obama is NOT king. We are not going away. You can't shove your Statist BS on us any longer. Okay, it wasn't taxes or gun control that got everyone jumpin' ugly. Fine. I'll take my people waking up for ANY reason as a good thing.. The Sleeping Giant has awoken. The DC "Elites" pushed too far too fast and it had the exact opposite effect. Their attempt to take total control has now met resistance. You in the political Class should be forwarned and wary. You were sent by us to Washington to serve us, and you have now stupidly got that backwards to where you believe we exist to SERVE YOU? How did you ego maniacs in DC get so full of yourselves? Get a clue, the days of you running roughshod over us, and stealing us blind have ended. You in Washington are just too arrogant and foolish to realize that. We are not your serfs, nor are we willing to be your ATM Machine to fund our own enslavement. Not your Union Thugs, nor your Federal Agencies, nor even your military can force tyranny on the American People. We've had enough. The Giant that is the American People's Fighting Spirit will NEVER live under your Marxist boot....EVER. ACORN, Alinsky and SEIU are no match for the Spirit of Capt. Parker and the boys who stood their ground at Concord Bridge and Lexington Green against another tyranny on April 19th, 1775. That Spirit is alive again, and it is an absolute joy and inspiration to again behold it.

George Potts Thompson -- Bio and Archives

Retired US Army, University Graduate, and Private Detective who does lots of undercover work ( I Did, Narcotics Investigations for Likes Bros. Shipping ) & wishes anonymity for Obvious reasons & therefore writes under a Pen Name.