
So the plot unfolds, actors emote, and the performance continues because the show must go on.  No matter what "calamity interrupts the proceedings" or what "unfortunate [thing] has happened" the show must go on

The Great Reset -- How Donald J. Trump Flipped the Script

The Great Reset -- How Donald J. Trump Flipped the Script
Congressional hearings are often-referred to as a show, political theater if you will.  How ironic since that's exactly what our entire government, media, and culture has become, a show.   The production, 'The Great Reset' depicts a populace evolving to a perfect society, no hate, racism or sexism.  Greedy oligarchs will be stripped of their ill-gotten gains, their riches distributed among the masses.  And this society will not rape the earth for their fuel, it will go green, will rescue the planet.  

Now 'The Great Reset' had a successful run right up to 2015

Yeah, right.  Still as with any fiction, the audience (the American people) agrees to  suspend disbelief in order to stay with the story.  They ignore critical thinking, "accept fictional elements even if they're impossible or fantastical in nature".   Now 'The Great Reset' had a successful run right up to 2015.  That's when Donald J. Trump, billionaire socialite, breaks character and tries to recast himself in the lead role as President of the United States.  He steps off the stage, takes to Twitter,, and speaks directly to the audience.  In other words, he breaks the fourth wall.  
"The Fourth Wall is the idea that there is an invisible, imaginary wall separating the actors from the audience. The audience can see through this wall, but the actors are unable to see back – they're meant to act as though they don't know there's an audience watching them."  
An unwritten rule is that unless used as an intentional device, actors don't break the fourth wall because the audience can become detached, "regard the production as people on a stage rather than a transportation to another possible reality".   Now Trump doesn't just go off script and break the 4th wall, he exposes the entire production as pure fiction.  He calls out illegal immigration proponents who echo the sentiments, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" as scripted, insincere, phony.  The truth he says is that "Mexico is 'bringing drugs, crime and rapists" to our country.

Trump is exposing the entire show as a dramatization of our politics, government, and culture

Trump's tirade disrupts the entire show, calls for a total script rewrite.  News anchors grab their revised pages and with sincere revulsion report that Donald J. Trump is a [gasp] racist.  This scourge of society branded decent, hard-working Mexicans as rapists and murderers.   For weeks the [gasp] racist theme is hammered at every juncture.  Meanwhile Trump is exposing the entire show as a dramatization of our politics, government, and culture.  He brands media 'fake news', a label that sticks to this day, calls out the political hacks who gave away our manufacturing, warns the 2nd Amendment is under siege, reveals our elections are rigged, and more.    The entire cast reacts to this treachery.  In one voice, they warn that Trump is a joke, a clown, a "maniac" who will start WWIII.  Every scene is 'stop Trump'.  Yet despite the barrage of attacks, Trump goes on to win the GOP primary, becomes the Republican candidate for President.   The show's producers melt down.  The script has Jeb Bush as the Republican nominee not Donald Trump.  Fix this! they rage.   Enter the Hollywood Access tapes where Trump engages in admittedly vulgar, disgusting, male conquest locker-room talk.  Thespians take their places on stage and give Oscar-worthy performances.  Distraught Republicans regrettably must withdraw their support for their nominee; Democrats warn Trump is a dangerous, sexual predator; Religious leaders condemn this sick behavior.  Surely after this universal censure even by his own party, Trump will have to relinquish the nomination.   But there's an advantage to breaking the fourth wall.  
". . .it sparks an immediate connection beyond the world of the story. It can make the audience feel more sympathetic or empathetic to the character's plight".  

But Hillary, the political establishment, the world underestimated Trump's growing connection with the audience

This connection keeps the audience with Trump despite the scandal and it's on, Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton.   D-Day, November 8, 2016 - CURTAIN UP!  LIGHT THE LIGHTS!  The deep state and globalist cabal proudly present the first woman President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton. The media cast is giddy with excitement, Hillary's victory celebration setup and ready to go.   But Hillary, the political establishment, the world underestimated Trump's growing connection with the audience.  
"When you break the fourth wall to engage your audience, you create magic." Because when you allow people to participate in the direction of the experience as it happens, you create a shared experience of "we."  
Thus in the 2016 election, the audience doesn't sit back and watch the plot unfold, they participate in the story and elect Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States.  

They lose interest in the 'show' when the real world is crumbling around them

Wow! That's the end of the show, right?  Oh hell no.  Producers, writers, and lead characters lock arms and produce scandal after scandal, white supremacy, Russian collusion,, two impeachment trials, a long list of episodes to engage and excite the dwindling audience, to take out the rogue actor.  But those who have left the theater no longer pay attention to the stagecraft, a slight problem.   So in 2020 the producers and writers insert a new segment, a landslide election that replaces President Trump with Joe Biden.   Per script, Biden immediately moves to save the world by cutting off US fuel production forcing Americans into the Green New Deal.  If these people can't drive, or heat their home because they can't afford oil or gas, they'll have to invest in an electric cars, solar panels, windmills.   New policies are issued at breakneck speed, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, censorship.  Must pick up the pace, a mass shooting here, a war there, keep the story moving, keep the audience engaged.    Meanwhile yet another plot line is introduced, a societal epiphany.  With a straight face actors say there's no real way to tell a man from a woman, body parts don't define us, we can be whoever or whatever we want to be.   Now for many this is a 'jump the shark' moment where the scene is so ridiculous the audience loses their ability to suspend disbelief, can no longer pretend the plot is really happening.   Yet others remain immersed in the story, accept the new dogma as truth.   But then a new real-world crisis threatens the entire production, inflation, recession.   People can't afford groceries, gas for their cars, oil for home heating.  They lose interest in the 'show' when the real world is crumbling around them.  

This is another 'jump the shark' moment as people can tell the difference between a 'recession' and a 'recovery'

Solution?  Simply tell them, there is no inflation, no recession.  America is actually in the midst of  an economic recovery.   This is another 'jump the shark' moment as people can tell the difference between a 'recession' and a 'recovery'.  Thus even more exit the virtual theater.   Yet even with the dwindling audience, producers believe there's enough left who still believe, who will be content to sit and watch and wait for the promised Utopia, who will ignore the off-stage misdirection.    So the plot unfolds, actors emote, and the performance continues because the show must go on.  No matter what "calamity interrupts the proceedings" or what "unfortunate [thing] has happened" the show must go on.   The show must go on.   "They decide to show it is good It is a show  They shout it is good  It is a show      They won't let anything good to show up  It is a show  What do people believe?  Is it a show?"  ― Rixa White  - It Is A Show

Peggy Ryan -- Bio and Archives

Peggy Ryan is an IT specialist. Currently she is an author and political commentator. She’s been widely published on multiple conservative Internet sites. Peggy Ryan can be reached at PeggyRyan1203 @ gmail.com