
The price of freedom remains eternal vigilance--regardless of how many of us have forgotten that

The Fourth of July Isn't Just Another Party - IT IS A REMINDER

The Fourth of July Isn't Just Another Party - IT IS A REMINDERLess than a day away from the Fourth of July. And I am just sitting here thinking of what we are dragging into this year's 'Independence Day'. Our 45th president was the absolute best exec this country has seen since Ronald Reagan. As I have said before, if anyone in this nation deserves 'reparations' it is Donald Trump. The rotten, stinking left side of our government, the so-called 'democrats', and their partners the liberal press owe him and us another four years on top of the four they stole from him in the 2020 election. But it was just as Hitler and other tyrants throughout history have demonstrated: "Whoever owns the press will enjoy 'freedom of the press'". And the press is still working overtime to crush out even the good memories of "numba' foaty fahv!”--As the hate-filled racist-posing-as-a-congressperson, Maxine Waters, used to call him (while she was screaming for his impeachment, and exhorting people to harass and harm his supporters and anyone else involved with his administration).

Touchy-feely Joe's inauguration

But these are strange days indeed. Donald Trump is being held to account for bad parking tickets from 30 years ago. But Joe Biden and all of his party associates are given carte blanche passes by the liberal press that is on a 24/7--"round-the-clock, we never close", cleanup crew. 'The Big Six' (as I call the big-money media) edits and explains away every gaffe or bad appearance moment that our bumbling 46 can make. I will be astonished if we can survive four years of Biden without an all-out and orchestrated military attack on our nation. Since touchy-feely Joe's inauguration America has fully shown itself to to the world as the new version of Pinocchio's "Pleasure Island" (or as one writer recently put it: "The Land of No Consequences") hosting a group of mesmerized, basement dwelling, video-game-playing babies. But there are always consequences, and when the consequences for this group of men and women living children's lives hit them it will be catastrophic. Their fantasy worlds will be unplugged by real grownups who will simply push them aside and take over. A commenter on my last story, 'BobF', left this wonderful quote he had heard years ago, during his own pilgrimage on this rock, that went like this:
"Hard times make for strong men, Strong men make (for) soft times, Soft times make for weak men, Weak men make for hard times".
We are most surely entering the fourth phase of that 'cascade' of societal machining. And for those of us baby boomers who had parents caring and persistent enough to impress upon us the horrors of the Great Depression, the value of work, various fragments of two world wars and a couple of 'police actions', we know for a fact that our nation is generally about to be flung into the white-hot arms of the iron god of Moloch. Because of our nation's leadership now promoting wilful ignorance and unbridled godless selfishness, there will be unprecedented consequences.

Press presents Biden as an altruistic grandpa

When GW Bush invented the Frankenstein of the 'Homeland Security Administration', I spit on the ground in disgust. [I had so admired that guy prior to a series of moves he made like that. He had surrounded himself with some really brilliant people, and then persisted in making dumb mistakes like his NKVD of the West, the HSA.] I mean, we already had the laws in place that simply needed to be enforced. He didn't need to impose more bureaucracy upon us. But when he left office he placed a loaded gun on the table for succeeding devils to pick up and begin hamstringing free America. It is painfully obvious now that GW was mostly just serving his time, in the tradition of his father, so he could officially become a smiling member of the 'Ex Presidents Club.' Because, in the long run, he didn't do our nation many long-range favors. And now we have an America full of kids-of-all-ages who don't have a clue about history, reality, or what it takes to be an adult and to keep that for which our forefathers sacrificed so much. Since Biden has opened our nation's borders, a nearly 600% increase of serious, convicted sex offenders (not to mention all the other immigrants who would have been denied entry due to terrorist agendas, criminal records, diseases, or no visible means of support) have crept effortlessly into our hard-earned paradise. Of course the press presents Biden as an altruistic grandpa who occasionally embarrasses himself with the wrong words spoken or playfully innocent roving hands touching where they shouldn't. But he effectively is the smiling head of the most lethal Trojan horse, the likes of which the world has never seen. Joe is opening up the schools so all of our impressionable children can get the benefit of a purely serpentine 'Critical Race Theory'! But the latest figures reveal that a little over 50% of our approximately 13% black population and significant portions of parents of all colors want nothing to do with sending their little ones back into schools.

Today's completely corrupt school system gives kids very little education

Today's completely corrupt school system gives kids very little education, fills their heads with nonsense or worse (gender identity and sex education--in the real sense--for 6 year olds [for crying out loud]), and wastes hours of their time. Parents have been driven to prefer homeschooling over the rank indoctrination of a repeat of the indoctrinating schools Hitler built for his third reich. In addition, the covid shutdowns allowed parents to see how much more their children can achieve through homeschooling. As a result, parents are 'voting with their feet' and effectively screaming, "No thanks, NEA, we will take it from here!" Though the democrat party (which amounts to a corporate Adolf Hitler) wants our youngsters fully immersed in their racist brainwashing, mature, fully literate and observant parents in our nation know they can get better results educating their kids--doing it themselves at home. In TWELVE YEARS our public schools can't seem to educate their students with much more than the basics! The above, scant bits of the unfolding nightmare of 2021 America are only just a few of the hellish travesties we are walking into since our nation's grand Declaration of Independence 245 years ago. The only true God, our Creator and Lord, so perfectly warned us about minds that can be hardened to the point of total spiritual death. He said in Isaiah chapter 5 verse 20 …
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
If any of my good readers have the least bit of the feeling of a functional, sweet conscience left in their minds and hearts, ask yourself if the things happening around us right now are heading in the right direction. The Bible warns us in Second Corinthians, chapter 11 that there are "other" or counterfeit falsely claimed saviors (demons!) calling themselves "Jesus". And there are counterfeit gospels and spirits posing as God's Holy Spirit (2nd Corinth. chpt. 11:4) Paul is here talking about heresies and cults that Jesus warned us about deceiving many prior to His second coming. And today we have a false, 'feel-good-gospel' promoted by a worldly and evil, unregenerate socially trending mob of people who want the immorality they prefer to be consensually validated by the easily swayed and totally distracted masses. If you know anything about biblical history or have even watched a few fairly authentic Jesus movies, you know that the crucifixion of Christ was ultimately brought about by just a few representatives of the evil religious hierarchy of that day running through the crowd on 'the pavement' in front of Pontius Pilate's porch. They were telling the people (threatening them!) to demand the release of Barabbas and to cry for the execution of Jesus. That was their version of the intimidating media. The frightened people then, just like today, were influenced by the strongest voices and did what they were effectively forced to do (by the intimidation of being seen as going against the crowd). And, bottom line, if it were not for that little scrap of paper enshrined in Washington DC, our Constitution (what Obama declared to be outdated), we would have been in chains long before 2021. Because of the grace God gave us in the rights we have protected by laws and courts, the train that has been trying to run us over is especially coming after our warring champion, Donald Trump. Pray to God that we can defend the Constitution and put and keep the people in power who will do that as well. The price of freedom remains eternal vigilance--regardless of how many of us have forgotten that.

Dave Merrick -- Bio and Archives

Dave Merrick, Davemerrick.us is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery.

He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.