
American fool may not be stupid, but has fallen prey to the issues of Social Justice, gay “marriage,” bullying, climate change are more pressing than our nation has radical Marxists at the helm

The Fool Who Follows

My dearly departed mother had a great comeback for children who attempted to blame siblings or friends for their greater public transgressions. Not that I ever found myself on the receiving end of this axiom, of course, but it went like this: “Who is worse – the fool, or the fool who follows him?”
I’ve been considering the question of fools lately, since there is apparently an overabundance of them in America. These vehemently insist upon defending the indefensible actions of their president, Barack Obama, despite the fact that he has dangerously compromised the nation in every manner imaginable. It has gotten to the point where only a fool could fail to see it. I came to the conclusion that the fool is not necessarily unintelligent; he or she is however, emotionally or judgmentally retarded. For some reason, although they might be a wildly successful or accomplished individual otherwise, they may get trounced by a gold-digger, for example, scammed by an amateur grifter – or support a dangerous political leader despite all evidence that this is an unwise course. Now, I realize that we cannot entirely blame those Americans who remain ignorant largely because they don’t know how completely compromised their press and media have become, but one does get to a point where the edge of the cliff is in sight, and those lemmings who simply refuse to check their speed will become victims of natural selection (so to speak), and so much the better for those who survive.
In short: as time goes by, only the fool will hold out against reason and obvious peril. The American fool may not be stupid, but he or she has fallen prey to the belief that issues of Social Justice, gay “marriage,” bullying, and climate change are more pressing than the fact that our nation has a pack of radical Marxists at the helm, operating more or less unchecked, that our economy is teetering before a yawning abyss, and that we are being left increasingly open to aggression by foreign enemies. When American presidents in recent times trotted out police, firemen, teachers – and of course, children – in their efforts to enact or retain government spending, it was just theater. Cheap, dishonest theater, but it was no more or less than that in which presidents of both political parties regularly engaged. When President Obama did so this week in his effort to avoid across-the-board spending cuts that he and Congress approved in 2011 to force compromise on debt and deficit reduction, it was something worse.

Obama's tactics of fearmongering over the notion that the sequester

In a characteristically formulaic, craven misrepresentation, Obama painted a grim picture of police officers, firefighters, teachers, paramedics, FBI agents, food inspectors being laid off en masse, and government grinding to a halt. He also managed to inject some more partisan class warfare into his argument, declaring that “the ideas that the Republicans have proposed ask nothing of the wealthiest Americans or the biggest corporations, so the burden is all on the first responders, or seniors or middle class families.” His tactics of fearmongering over the notion that the sequester will send the nation into a tailspin and increasing public pressure on congressional Republicans to avert an $85 billion in budget cuts may be transparent, but the “low information” voters and those who still trust this scoundrel are likely to buy into Obama’s “infrastructural Armageddon” scenario, particularly if the sequestration comes to pass. With our economy at critical mass as it is, and considering this administrations’ actions to date, Obama’s presentation transcended theater and misrepresentation; it was a full-fledged campaign of incomprehensibly audacious, bald-faced lies. He summarily disregards the elephant in the room: That question of how we are to avert economic implosion if the government absolutely refuses to cut spending on anything. The press of course, refuses to ask the question of him. Still, was so blatant that one wonders if only a fool could fail to recognize it. It is, as I have repeatedly said, Obama’s intention to catalyze an economic cataclysm, rather than political ineptitude. At this point Obama is playing only to those who are sufficiently uninformed or too dim to tell that he is lying – the fools who follow him. The rest of us, as he has demonstrated, simply don’t matter.

Erik Rush -- Bio and Archives

Erik Rush is a New York-born columnist, author and speaker who writes sociopolitical commentary for numerous online and print publications. In February of 2007, Erik was the first to break the story of President (then Senator) Barack Obama’s ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright on a national level, which ignited a media firestorm that smolders to this day.  Links to his work are available at Erikrush.com.