
Folks if you do not wake up and start a little community organizing of your own you will wind up before the World Court on charges of attempted normalcy

The Enemy

One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of another; a foe; A hostile power or force; A member or unit of such a force.
America has encountered its share of enemies. In each case, with the sole exception of the War Between the States, the enemy was easily distinguished as a foreign entity and vanquished. The founders of this great nation went beyond simply authorizing for our national defense in establishing armed forces. They additionally labored at length to alert the American citizen to the dangers of domestic enemies. They were deadly earnest that the liberty and freedom of each and every citizen of the country could be crushed by the enemy from within. So determined to provide a citizen the ultimate means of defending their liberty and freedom, the Founders authorized the individual to implement deadly force through the use of a gun if required. The Founders further inscribed that it was the sacred duty of the citizen, even unto death, in protection of liberty and freedom. Historically a first clue to the identity of an enemy is hysterical denunciation of the right to possess and bear arms. Hillary D. Rodham Clinton has a pronounced active anti-gun record. This fall, United States Secretary of State Clinton made clear that the United States would support the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. Advocates state the purpose of the treaty is to make it more difficult for guerrilla movements, insurgents and irresponsible governments from easily obtaining small arms. Did you ever get a chance to read the 2700 page Obamacare bill? And one could safely bet their piggy bank that Mrs. Clinton in reference to the UN Small Arms Treaty would paraphrase Mrs. Pelosi’s observation that it will have to be passed to understand what is in it. Full circle now to The United States Secretary of State, Hillary D Rodham, as she was known at Wellesley College in 1969 when writing her senior year thesis, “There Is Only The Fight” An Analysis of the Alinsky Model. After a reading, most would conclude some doubt of her scholarship. However, it does show that even at that tender age she proposed a claim to be smarter than Alinsky himself, arguably true in that Alinsky never became Secretary of State. Ms. Rodham’s thesis is instructive in that, taking her lead from Professor Annemarie Shimoy of Wellesley College, no doubt in part for extra curricular points, she pontificates that although Alinsky was a competent community organizer for ‘change’ he was a failure. Rodham’s agreement and contribution appears to be based on, 1. Alinsky’s Model did not incorporate organizing a global structure, one with power beyond that of just communities, ethnic groups, and geographic regions; 2. The societal change required for the existence of true democracy, one in which the primacy of power and relative morality flourish, must include rethinking the meaning of community, and the role of centralized national planning. Her young mind was obviously fixed on the primacy of power to control, and the concept of relative morality, that is moral standards one makes up as they go along to suit an end purpose. She opines that the Alinsky model, “assumes an almost bootstrap formula which is too conservative for our present situation” (italics added). She continues, “It is not oriented toward harmonizing competing metropolitan interests in a concert of governmental restructuring…There is no lack of issues; what is missing are politically sophisticated organizers. Alinsky plans on erasing that lack with organizers trained in his new school.” Ms. Rodham in 1969 then moves onto a theme continuously championed by Mr. Obama forty two years later. “Alinsky recognizes the impossibility of achieving social change (italics added) at this time through incremental means of power/conflict organizing. His supplementary plans call for federally financed work projects on the order of the TVA (a mass federal program for creation of employment in the ‘great depression’). Thus the call from Obama for bullet trains, with further massive federal spending and accompanying debt, is nothing more than warmed over Alinsky plan re-hatched for the purpose of manipulating the un and under employed to gather in the arms of the beneficent federal apparatus.The entire paper is online in the event you want to spend the time reading it. Ms. Rodham, now morphed into Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, is positioned to do real damage. Her schooldays of power/control projections coupled with Obama, an alumnus of Alinsky’s community commie school, and later an actual teacher of how one can change their life from being a simple dummy into a glorious Marxist manipulator, have led to invoking the United Nations One World Order in everything from permission to go to war to confiscating citizens arms, you know the guerrilla and insurgent movements previously named by Big Sis at Homeland Security [including but not limited to returning military veterans}. Folks if you do not wake up and start a little community organizing of your own you will wind up before the World Court on charges of attempted normalcy. A guilty finding is assured with a mandatory sentence of 2 years confinement at the O-C Re-education facility nearest you. Now, start screaming at your congress person. If you do not know what to scream…just scream that you are as mad as hell and you are not going to take it anymore. The screams alone will frighten them!

Dr. Gerald Stephens -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Gerald Stephens is a former Marine and retired Chiropractic Physician, a member of the NRA and a strong Constitutionalist.