
From this American’s perspective, June 23rd should become a British national holiday, akin to our Independence Day, and let all of us disappoint the elites!

The Elites Never Disappoint!

Brexit offers hope for freedom-loving people all over the ‘globe’! In a time of contracting power and wealth towards self-appointed elites and ‘royalty’, Brexit may be the 2016 ‘D-Day’ in the war of those who are outside of their oppressors’ exclusive aristocracy. But, even with this victory for freedom, the elites never disappoint. Now that they lost a major player and funder of the European Union (EU), the assault is on. In theory, The EU has some admirable aspirations, but the elites of the world have declared it their sandbox, and only they get to make the rules for the masses. The funding of the EU has become nothing but a slush fund for the elites to advance an anti-God, anti-human, anti-freedom, and anti-sovereignty agenda upon all member nation-states of the union. This is happening globally. Across the pond, we are under a bipartisan attack against law-abiding, patriotic citizens, too. Maybe people in Britain, and elsewhere, are awakening to the real realities, about which we are not to discuss in polite company!
So smug were the thugs that they were oblivious to how average Britons feel about sovereignty, freedom and their quality of life, much like the Democrats and GOPb (‘backstablishment’) in the U. S.! Of course, the Democrats and the GOPb take their marching orders from the same rogues pulling political strings in Britain and across the globe, so we have much in common. As an American of Irish, Scottish and German ancestry, I can thank the British aristocracy for many of my Irish ancestors immigrating to the U. S. in the 1800s. The Penal Laws imposed upon the Irish in their own country has been the underpinning of my desire to live free. While I didn’t live through it, I learned of it from older relatives who knew their history and were excellent story-tellers. Throw in the potato famine, and there was little reason for my ancestors to stay on the Emerald Isle. There were potatoes for British contracts with others in Europe, just no potatoes for those who grew them. Upon arrival to the U. S., my Irish ancestors were greeted with signs that read, ‘Irish Need Not Apply’, or, even more cutting, ‘Irish Catholics Need Not Apply’. The Irish were considered ignorant, and rightly so. Due, in large part, to the Penal Laws imposed by the British aristocracy upon the Irish, and, to a slightly lesser degree, upon the Scots and Welsh, Irish children were not allowed to attend school, if they retained their Catholic faith. Corned beef and cabbage is not an Irish meal, it is an American-Irish meal. Because many Irish were not allowed to work, they had little, to no money. Corned beef has much more salt than other forms of meat, allowing for it to be stored longer. If you have seen ‘The Devil’s Own’, you may have noted Frankie McGuire/Rory Devaney’s puzzlement over his first dinner in New York, but not known why he was puzzled. Being from Ireland, he had never eaten corned beef and cabbage! Freedom is precious! Have you heard and read the snarky comments made about those who dared to say ‘Yes’ to themselves and their country and ‘No’ to reclusive bureaucrats in Brussels and elsewhere? The propaganda media machine isn’t limited to the U. S. and North America. The propaganda media machine operates to advance specific social, economic, political and environmental agendas, prop-up ‘friendly’, puppet dictators and puppet, dictator-like presidents, and obfuscate genuine truth from reaching the rubes outside of their puppeteer circles.
We will hear that those who voted for freedom are Islamophobes. Considering what has happened in Britain, across Europe, in the U. S. and elsewhere, only a traitor would advocate for importing terrorists into any country. We’ve got plenty of traitors atop the U. S. government, and, hopefully, with the courage exhibited by 52% of the UK voting for sovereignty, freedom and enhanced income opportunities, Americans will conduct a Congressional colonoscopy in the coming primaries and the 2016 General Election, as has never been done, before. We also hear about how ignorant and/or uneducated those who voted for Brexit are. Yeah, I guess they are stupid-smart, not falling for the lies of the elites and the propaganda media that attempted to coerce fellow countrymen and women to place the elites’ agenda above their own. As I told a friend following Mass this weekend, ‘Thank God for the puppet president’! I never thought I’d ever make such a comment about any puppet president, least of all, the vindictive puppet currently occupying the puppet hut a/k/a the White House. His threat to place the UK at the back of the line may have been the impetus needed for self-respecting Brits to vote Brexit! Now the Brits realize what we’ve been saddled with for over seven (7) years. Not enough self-respecting Americans voted ‘BOexit’ in 2012, after four (4) disastrous years of his unconstitutional and treasonous attacks upon us. I read a headline that the propaganda media is advancing the possibility that there may have been some voter fraud in the Brexit vote. Isn’t it amazing how voter fraud is championed when it advances the elites’ agenda and their puppets in government and society, but, when they lose a vote, they allege voter fraud. If there was voter fraud, it probably kept the margin as a respectable 4%. Most likely, without voter fraud, the margin would have been even wider. What does this say about the chasm between the self-appointed elites and the average, freedom-loving citizens around the world?

With this stunning rebuke of the elites, in favor of freedom and sovereignty, there will be volatility in the markets, but how much of the volatility will be natural and how much will be manufactured? The global elites are much more dangerous than the American Mafia, the Camorra Ndrangheta or Columbian drug lords. Heck, the elites probably employ them to do some of their dirty work. The global elites can’t let this breach from conformity and blind obedience go unchallenged. A message must be sent to other nations that they will suffer similar, draconian financial attacks, through policies and trade agreements, if they have the collective temerity to vote for freedom, sovereignty and a healthy quality of life outside of the EU. Only the elites are to be entitled to such niceties! ‘Braveheart’ is my favorite movie, mainly because it is the best movie about freedom, leadership and leading from the front that I have ever seen. I guess today’s Scots are not as hardy and freedom-loving as those Scots who fought for freedom from tyranny centuries ago. Tyranny comes in many ways, and a pernicious tyranny has settled, like a blanket, upon the EU. I trust there is no relation between the resigning Prime Minister and our clan. As for Germany, why Merkel hasn’t been deposed with treasonous charges brought against her is a mystery to many across the globe, but we have a lot of cleaning out to do in America, too. Don’t let the pompous elites and their megaphone media dictate their anti-God, anti-human, anti-freedom and anti-sovereignty agenda anymore. From this American’s perspective, June 23rd should become a British national holiday, akin to our Independence Day, and let all of us disappoint the elites!

A.J. Cameron -- Bio and Archives

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.