
The Satanists that control western governments and international corporations are establishing a New World Order where they can indulge in ungodly lusts without fear of prosecution

The drag queen of beers, Budweiser, is all about destroying religious morality and implementing a New World Order devoid of religious principles

After Budweiser's management decided to use a man dressed up like a woman to market Bud Light beer, their customers rebelled. Some commentators speculated that Americans are just fed up with all the "in your face" transgender nonsense from these big corporations. Well, if that's true, then why did a large majority of Bud Light drinkers switch to Coors Light? Coors has supported LGBTQ activists, (gender dysphoria), for years

The Coors Light "pride" cans were designed to show their support for the LGBTQ+ movement. In 2015, Coors was named the Corporation of the Year by the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. If the American people are fed up with all the gender insanity, then why did people switch to Coors Light?

International corporations, along with the U.S. government, are behind gender dysphoria and the gay rights movement

Moreover, other corporations, like Coca-Cola and Jack Daniels, have been promoting the gender dysphoria nonsense for years, and we are still buying their products. Why not boycott Coors, Coke and Jack Daniels products too? Every products of these woke corporations should be boycotted if the American people are really fed up the gender dysphoria and the gay pride nonsense.

However, boycotting the products of international brewers is an impossible task. That's because all of the major beer producers, with exception of Pabst Blue Ribbon, are owned by international corporations. Pabst Brewing Company is the last U.S. beer producer to be completely independent and American-owned. Pabst also owns Schlitz brewing and Old Milwaukee beer. Pabst Brewing is a monopoly of brands that were previously independent American brewers; however, Pabst is still American owned and independent.

Furthermore, Anheuser-Busch is not an American owned business; nor is Coors. Anheuser Busch is owned by European Inbev Corporation, and Coors is a subsidiary of the international corporation known as Molson Coors North America. And don't think that Miller Brewing is still an American beer. It's not! Miller Brewing was bought by South African Brewing (SAB) years ago, and in 2016, Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller merged to create what was termed a beerhemoth.

In the agreement, "SABMiller agreed to divest itself of the Miller brands by selling its stake in Miller-Coors to Molson Coors in Montreal, Canada." The deal made Molson-Coors the largest brewer in North America. As a result of the deal, the Miller-Coors corporation became Molson Coors North America, headquartered in Toronto, and Molson Coors Europe, headquartered in Prague. These international corporations, along with the U.S. government, are behind gender dysphoria and the gay rights movement.

Gender confusion movement (LGBTQ) is not about inclusivity, equality or fairness; it's about morality versus immorality

To be blunt, Nike and Budweiser did not use a drag queen to market their products. On the contrary, they used their well know and popular products to promote gender dysphoria - just like the Biden administration used the power of government to promote gender dysphoria by inviting Dylan Mulvaney to the White House. Mulvaney was just a representative of gender dysphoria. By the same token, Coors used Coors Light in rainbow cans to promote homosexuality and gender confusion.

Moreover, the gender confusion movement (LGBTQ) is not about inclusivity, equality or fairness; it's about morality versus immorality. It's about sanity versus insanity! It's about dividing the population into groups that can be used against one another. It's about using one group of people to take another group's God given rights. The gay rights and trans rights movements are really about forcing homosexuality and gender dysphoria on the general public. It's about taking the rights of those, Christians, Jews and Muslims, that refuse to participate in homosexuality (sodomy) because of their religious beliefs.

The gay and trans rights movements are about destroying morality and sanity in one fatal swoop. That's what the drag queen of beers, Budweiser, is all about--destroying religious morality and implementing a New World Order devoid of religious principles. Governments and international corporations are working together to establish a New World Order where things like homosexuality and pedophilia are accepted as normal. The Satanists that control western governments and international corporations are establishing a New World Order where they can indulge in ungodly lusts without fear of prosecution.

Charles Wills -- Bio and Archives

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.