
Expose the truth about the Left’s woke lies, restore honesty, integrity in America’s classrooms, boardrooms, courtrooms, voting booths. Otherwise we are all doomed to a life of censorship, crime, poverty and totalitarian control

The Death of Honesty

Honesty is dead. Its time of death is not certain, but it might have been the day Bill Clinton, in a national address, looked into the camera and proclaimed, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky...”

Americans trusted and supported President Clinton--he portrayed himself as an honest, hard-working public servant. When the first allegations appeared, he denied them and his wife blamed a “vast, right-wing conspiracy.” When asked in an interview with Jim Lehrer, “were you alone together in the Oval Office” He replied “I don't recall...”

When confronted with the proof on the blue dress, he finally admitted that he had engaged in an "improper physical relationship."

Just prior to the independent counsel's grand jury he said “While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information. Indeed, I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.”

People believe habitual liars because we, ourselves, are honest in most situations and we trust others to speak the truth. In fact, the bigger the lie, the more likely we will believe it.

We also find it difficult to question those we trust most, our news media, doctors, military leaders, scientists, judges, and educators. It’s almost impossible to believe that those who have dedicated their lives to public service would lie to those they have sworn to protect.

After seven years of lies, distortions and misinformation told by his political opponents and a corrupt news media, that have proven to be wrong, 59% of Americans still have a negative view of Donald Trump.

Those in the current administration claim to be environmentalists and say global warming will destroy the planet if we don't curtail use of fossil fuels immediately. They claim that electric vehicles are the only answer, and gas powered cars and trucks, need to be eliminated, despite the fact that we don’t have the minerals to build them.

They say our borders are the safest they've ever been, and crime is under control in the inner cities despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary

They say our borders are the safest they've ever been, and crime is under control in the inner cities despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

Our military leaders tell us that it's in the vital interest of the United States to send billions to Ukraine to stop the Russians despite evidence of widespread financial corruption.

Our teachers tell us it is important for our children to know multiple details about sex starting at the age of five, and that they should attend drag queen shows to learn about homosexuals and transsexuals.

Many Americans still believe our administration’s doctors and fear the COVID virus. Over 70% have supposedly gotten at least one injection despite learning it doesn’t work and has multiple deadly side-effects.

When people refuse to even consider they are being lied to, their minds will jump through hoops to continue believing. The psychological term is “cognitive dissonance,” “The inconsistency between what people believe and how they behave motivates them to engage in actions that will help minimize feelings of discomfort. People attempt to relieve this tension in different ways, such as by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding new information.”

So how can anyone know what to believe on ANY subject? How can we know if our beliefs are correct or if we are just fooling ourselves? Do we have to become experts on hundreds of topics and do our own independent research?

Perhaps the greatest lie of all is wokeism

First, be willing to admit that each of us have been wrong in the past and are likely to be wrong again. How many people believed that the Lewinsky scandal was a right-wing conspiracy designed to hurt Bill Clinton? How did they feel when he finally admitted his affair?

Second, look for beliefs that directly contradict each other. How can we believe the government is serious about stopping climate change when their own predictions show that their favorite programs, like the Paris climate accords spending trillions of dollars, will only reduce the temperature of the Earth by less than a degree? Or when we thought the only way to stop COVID was to take the vaccines and we got COVID anyway? If the Biden administration truly cares about the environment and clean water, why are they ignoring the Palestine, Ohio disaster and a serious threat to 10% of our nation's water supply in favor of a presidential trip to Ukraine?

Third, and most important, look at who benefits from a lie. When a teachers' union opposes private schools, they don't have our children's quality of education in mind, they don't want to lose any of their funding. If they truly cared about our children, they would insist on better teaching methods and would want to fire dangerous or incompetent teachers.

The people who lie about our elections being “fair and honest” are those who won those elections.

Those who claim our borders are safe don’t care about fentanyl deaths, sex trafficking or terrorist infiltrators, don’t care an iota about Americans’ safety or human rights.

Perhaps the greatest lie of all is wokeism. Tom Klingenstein, in his article “DeSantis Goes to War, lauds Ron DeSantis and Fox's Tucker Carlson for their fight against wokeism and how is 100% anti-American. “...we are at war with a deadly regime, the woke regime. You cannot win a war unless you know you are in one.”

Teachers' unions ignore skills our children need to be successful and instead teach lies about our country and dumb down critical thinking, while pushing sexual promiscuity and transgenderism

At its core, wokeism claims that America is fatally flawed with its past of slavery, racial discrimination and sexual discrimination. They maintain that whites, especially white males, must be discriminated against in order to right the sins of their forebears.

Who benefits from wokeism?

If their goal is to tear down all of America's finest beliefs and institutions and replace them with permanent Democrat/Marxist rulers, then wokeism is the ultimate tool.

“Hard work leads to success” is replaced by benefit programs designed to make Americans dependent on government handouts.

Teachers' unions ignore skills our children need to be successful and instead teach lies about our country and dumb down critical thinking, while pushing sexual promiscuity and transgenderism.

Democrats pretend to have the interests of African-Americans at heart by penalizing whites and giving preference to blacks even if they are unable to do the work. But more and more are realizing that Democrat policies are destroying our inner cities and dooming black children to lifelong poverty and death.

Klingenstein says “For the American regime, a just society is one in which free men and women pursue happiness according to their abilities and according to nature. Such a society is one where merit rules. For the woke regime, on the other hand, a just society is one where the regime imposes identity group quotas based on victimhood rankings. Such a regime makes war on merit.”

We need all Americans to expose the truth about the Left’s woke lies and restore honesty and integrity in America’s classrooms, boardrooms, courtrooms and voting booths. Otherwise we are all doomed to a life of censorship, crime, poverty and totalitarian control.

Jack Gleason -- Bio and Archives

Jack Gleason is a conservative political writer. For reprint requests on other websites, inside information for important issues, article requests or comments contact him at jackgleason9@protonmail.com Recent articles… Canada Free Press and American Thinker