
JFK's mob links to notorious Chicago gangster Sam "Momo' Giancana or his father, Joseph P. Kennedy's links to Capone and other booze runners during Prohibition

The coming media hullabaloo about Trump’s mob connections is vastly overblown!

The coming media hullabaloo about Trump’s mob connections is vastly overblown! BALTIMORE — The alt-left media, chiefly CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post — either from gullibility or just plain viciousness — are launching a major, concerted effort to convince the public that President Trump has close ties to organized crime. There's no doubt that Trump as a major real estate developer in Manhattan, parts of New Jersey and South Florida likely may have met some mobsters at one time or another, but the idea that he may have colluded with them is far-fetched and lacks anything resembling real proof.

JFK's mob links to notorious Chicago gangster Sam "Momo' Giancana or his father, Joseph P. Kennedy's links to Capone and other booze runners during Prohibition

It also highlights the hypocrisy of the Washington press corps, which according to polls has voted Democratic in presidential elections about 90 percent of the time since 1948. Back in the 1960’s, with the notable exceptions of New York Times columnist William Safire and Scripps Howard newspapers, the Washington press corps largely looked the other way when John F. Kennedy ran for president and was elected. With few exceptions it failed to point out JFK's mob links to notorious Chicago gangster Sam "Momo' Giancana or his father, Joseph P. Kennedy's links to Capone and other booze runners during Prohibition. In his time, Giancana was no small fry hood. When Anthony "Tough Tony" Accardo stepped down as the head of the Chicago Outfit — as the city's branch of the Mafia was known — in the mid-1950s, Giancana ascended to the top spot. By 1955, he controlled the gambling and prostitution operations, narcotics trafficking and other illegal industries in his hometown. Under his leadership, the Chicago Mafia grew from a relatively small-scale racket to a full-fledged criminal organization. He later told an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he "owned" not only Chicago, but Miami and Los Angeles as well. No one who was knowledgeable doubted that.

Frank Sinatra's friendship with both JFK and Giancana

Meanwhile, hardly anyone in the press did much on Frank Sinatra's friendship with both JFK and Giancana — a friendship that allowed Sinatra to send willing women to the White House — many provided through the good auspices of Giancana and other mobsters. One such woman was "party girl" Judith Exner, who credibly claimed to Congress she was the mistress of both JFK and Giancana. When it looked like JFK would lose the presidential race to Richard Nixon after Nixon piled up a big lead in downstate Illinois, the Kennedys asked Sinatra to plead with Giancana to deliver enough votes to overcome that margin. Thanks to his friendship with Sinatra, Giancana dredged up the needed votes in the Chicago area in the eleventh hour. Nobody in the D.C. press corps minded much because JFK's opponent was the despised Nixon. Giancana came through and dug up some 400,000 votes for JFK in the Chicago area and thus made him president. Dug up is the exact term for it! Giancana has a list of everyone buried in a Chicagoland cemetery. Nixon, aware that it would be divisive for the nation, graciously declined to call for a recount. All of this is well documented in a number of books, including the second volume of James Kaplan's 2015 epic bio of Sinatra — "Sinatra The Chairman."

Tina Sinatra, said her father told her that Kennedy patriarch Joseph P. Kennedy wanted the Mafia's help in delivering the union vote in the 1960 West Virginia primary

Sinatra, by the way, also served as a liaison between JFK's 1960 campaign for president and Giancana in a scheme to use Mafia muscle to deliver union votes, according to what Sinatra's daughter, Tina, told CBS’ 60 Minutes. Tina Sinatra, said her father told her that Kennedy patriarch Joseph P. Kennedy wanted the Mafia's help in delivering the union vote in the 1960 West Virginia primary, in which JFK, then a U.S. senator, faced Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota. The elder Kennedy asked Frank Sinatra to make a request to Giancana. Sinatra was approached "because Kennedy knew dad had access to Sam Giancana," Tina Sinatra said. "It would be in Jack Kennedy's best interest if his father did not make the contact directly…Dad was on an errand," she said. Giancana told Frank Sinatra he would do it, according to his daughter, who should know better than anyone about this. The results changed history — whether for better or worse is still being argued.

Whitt Flora -- Bio and Archives

Whitt Flora, an independent journalist, covered the White House for The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch and was chief congressional correspondent for Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine.  Readers may write him at 319 Shagbark Rd., Middle River, Md. 21220.