
Let's all follow Will Smith's brilliant lead and boycott the show. They don't deserve anybody's support.

The Affirmative Action Academy Awards

The Frankenstein Monster our friends the Politically Correct Liberals have been constructing the last 50 years continues to wreak havoc on our poor beleaguered world. The monster has chewed through his restraints, busted down the door and is in search of anything and everything he can possibly complain about. Franky, has now turned his attention to the Academy Awards, that bastion of rampant racism that so sullies the fantasies of the sacred precious little snowflakes that masquerade as "social justice warriors."
In 2016, for the second year in a row blacks were not nominated for any of the 20 acting slots. To the snowflake mind, this proves racism, institutional and the regular kind, white privilege, micro and macro aggressions, bias, nastiness and a definite bent toward doing un-good to their fellow men. What absolute and utter baloney. Where to begin? As has been pointed out by others, Chris Rock, who seems black, is hosting the entire show. He will have more air time than anybody else. Of course, we will now have to sit through his 10 minutes of crying and complaining about how poorly blacks are being treated. He will mention the boycott by Will Smith because Will wasn't nominated for an acting award. Good heavens what a loss! In the interest of sanity, let's get a few things straight. Will Smith is a lousy actor who has less range than a piece of wood. He stinks. Perhaps the academy members noticed this and didn't vote for him. But isn't this the way its supposed to be, about merit?
Now with the august academy's pronouncement that it will change the nominating process to assuage the whining of a few, the academy has relegated itself to a carnival side show that's outcome is rigged. There will be no competition now, only getting the right numbers to satisfy the politically correct leftists. It cheapness the process and makes suspect any nominations in the future. I don't blame blacks one bit. They know all they have to do is complain, and the lefties will literally break their backs in complying with whatever they say, as this is part of the leftist religion. The Academy itself is gutless and by capitulating to what Hollywood Producer Gerald Molen so rightly referred to as "spoiled brats," they institute a sort of Affirmative Action Academy Awards. The left (the spoiled brats) that invented this perpetual victimhood has only themselves to blame. Personally I don't watch the Academy Awards for a lot of reasons, mostly having to do with the deathly talentless gooing and gushing over the other deathly talentless sharing the stage with them. Now I have one more reason not to watch. Let's all follow Will Smith's brilliant lead and boycott the show. They don't deserve anybody's support.

Chris Volkay -- Bio and Archives

Mr. Volkay (volkaysvolcano.com) writes for a number of sites, on a number of issues. He has been published in many national magazines and papers. He is a former liberal who one day fell on his head and miraculously came to his senses.