
Huntin Season

That Dern “Lucky…”Where Are YA WOMAN!

Mornin again guys! We hope this finds all doin very well in both spirit and health!
I don’t know what has got into me here lately…postin every 2-3 days?? Usually a month or so between posts. Wonder what’s up with that? I gotta admit though, I’m pretty sure of the reasonin behind it… I’m lonely! Seems since huntin season kicked off, dad-gum if I ain’t become a single guy once again?? More...

Doug and Lucky -- Bio and Archives

Doug (formally known as Dub), and Kathrine (from here out Dubbed, “Lucky”) are native Floridians who both thoroughly enjoy living the simple life. They both love the outdoors, and all things associated with it…gardenin, huntin, fishin, and basically just anything that has to do with hangin around outside.

They claim too many children, grandchildren, and even GREAT-grandchildren to count, so we’ll just say they got A LOT of em.

If ya like to cook, eat, tell a tale or two, or get your “chain jerked” ever once in a while…ya may be at the right place!