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Teeth, Gums, Dentistry, Health

Fluoride, teeth, toxins

Fluoridation of Water A Health Benefit Or a Toxic Drink?

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

January, 2007

"Doctor, I'd suggest fluoride treatment to protect your teeth". I agreed with my dentist. After all, I'd been told since I was knee-high that fluoride prevents cavities. I've also used fluoride toothpaste for years. But I recently decided to research this topic to see if there was a downside to this treatment.

William, a three year old Brooklyn boy, had his first dental checkup in 1974. Fluoride gel was spread over the teeth. Following that he was handed a glass of water by the hygienist who failed to inform him to swish the solution in his mouth and spit it out. Instead, he drank the water and a few hours later he was dead from fluoride poisoning. Fluoride is an acute toxin with a rating higher than lead.

Next, I discovered that 98 percent of Europe is fluoride-free. Sweden, Germany, Norway, Holland, Denmark and France stopped using fluoridation over 25 years ago. These are not backward nations.

In 1980 a New Zealand dentist, an ardent supporter of fluoride therapy, was sent by the government on a world tour to study fluoridation. He returned an outspoken critic of the treatment.

Later in 1999 Dr. Hardy Limeback, Professor of Dentistry at the University of Toronto, and former supporter of fluoridation, reported that fluoride may be destroying our bones, teeth and overall health. He claimed that children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste, drink fluoridated water and mothers should never use Toronto tap water to prepare baby formula.

The sole argument favouring fluoridation is that it reduces tooth decay. But this is a contentious issue. Several studies involving as many as 480,000 children found no beneficial difference between fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. In fact, one study showed decay was greater in the fluoridated area! Moreover, dental health in Europe has improved since 1970 without fluoride.

Most parents are unaware of dental fluorosis, a discolouration of teeth due to excess fluoride. In 1940 this mottling condition occurred in 10 percent of children's teeth. Today in some areas it's as high as 55 percent. One reason, children's toothpaste tastes good and they swallow too much of it.

Dental fluorosis is the first indication that the body is getting excess fluoride. But bones also collect fluoride and can develop skeletal fluorosis. Since 1990 numerous studies have reported an association between fluoridated water and hip fractures. Fluoridation is also known to increase osteoporosis (brittle bones).

In 1992 a U.S. study found a strong link between fluoridation and osteosarcoma, a bone cancer in young males. The rates of this malignancy were three to seven times higher in fluoridated areas.

Other studies in China show reduced IQ in children overexposed to fluoride from drinking water. Further effects include decreased concentration, memory loss and confusion. There's also concern that fluoridation is implicated in Alzheimer's Disease since fluoride combines with aluminum to cross the blood brain barrier.

I didn't know that Torontonians have double the fluoride levels in hip bones than Montrealers whose city water is not fluoridated. Since studies also show that fluoride causes decreased levels of sperm and testosterone, I wonder if that's why "they make love in Montreal and only money in Toronto!"

Carl Sagan, the noted astromoner, was right when discussing authoritarian judgments. He remarked that "arguments from authority do not count; too many authorities have been mistaken too often".

There is no convincing reason that water should contains 1.5 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride when our bodies have no use for it and when its risk is greater than its benefit. Toothpaste has up to 1,500 ppm and treatment in a dentist's office another whopping 10,000 to 20,000 ppm! Besides, unlike calcium, magnesium and other nutrients our body does not need fluoride.

The first rule of medicine is "Do no harm". But how can we control consumption of a toxic substance when consumers drink varying amounts of water? How do we stop young children absorbing fluoride from toothpaste? The best way is ban fluoridation of water and stop buying toothpaste with fluoride. I imagine you've guessed what I'll say when next asked "Do you want the fluoride treatment".

W. Gifford-Jones M.D is the pen name of Dr. Ken Walker graduate of Harvard. Dr. Walker's website is:

My book, Ò90 + How I Got ThereÓ can be obtained by sending $19.95 to:

Giff Holdings, 525 Balliol St, Unit # 6,Toronto, Ontario, M4S 1E1

Pre-2008 articles by Gifford Jones
Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod