
79 percent of Republicans, 25 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of independents said Joe Biden was involved in corruption

Stunned John Kirby Stammers Out a Denial and Leaves Podium after White House Reporter Details Joe Biden Bribe Allegations and Whistleblower Charges

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was stunned by a reporter’s question at Wednesday’s briefing that mentioned a bribery allegation against Joe Biden, along with his involvement in the Biden family’s international business dealings and whistleblower charges of interference in investigations, followed with a request to comment on a recent poll showing a majority of Americans believe Joe Biden is corrupt.

Kirby let out a shocked, “Wow!” and then stood in stunned silence for several seconds while a gasp of “Jesus!” could be heard in the room. A man off camera volunteered to take the question for Kirby but White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told him no. After gathering his thoughts, Kirby stammered out a brief denial on Biden’s behalf and referred the part about the whistleblower to the FBI before leaving the podium. ---More...

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