
Thank you Hillary, for reminding us of the bullet we dodged

Still-bitter Hillary: No civility until Democrats are in charge of everything

Still-bitter Hillary: No civility until Democrats are in charge of everything Oh goody. Look who’s back. When we last saw Hillary Clinton, she was in India telling the world that the red parts of the 2016 electoral map were “backwards” areas, made up of racist, redneck, gun nuts who hated women and were afraid of the rest of the planet. It seems these places failed to vote for her, and thus they are not “optimistic, diverse, dynamic,” and forward thinking areas.

Thank you Hillary, for reminding us of the bullet we dodged

Yeah. She’s a real peach. At the time, I said that she was filled with rage and furious that the “little people” in flyover country had dared defy her. But that was a while ago. Surely, with the passage of time, she has mellowed. By now, she’s probably let go of her rage, right? Uh-oh Sigh. Of course Hillary thinks this. She’s never been civil, so why would she start now? Thank you Hillary, for reminding us of the bullet we dodged.

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