
Faithful service to God and country

Statement On The Passing Of Statesman Henry Hyde

By Rev. Louis P. Sheldon——--November 30, 2007

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The passing of former Congressman Henry Hyde is a great loss to the pro-family movement in America. Rep. Hyde was a giant in the battle to defend the right to life of unborn children. He was the author of the Hyde Amendment, which to this day forbids federal funds from being used for abortions! He also passionately fought for a ban on partial-birth abortions.
He was a compassionate man and left a lasting mark upon our nation during his service in the House of Representatives from 1975 through 2006. His service on the House Judiciary Committee was of great importance during the years when the House was in Republican hands. He was a constitutionalist, an historian, a patriot and most of all, a distinguished statesman. On November 5, President Bush bestowed upon him the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his faithful service to God and country. In presenting the award to Rep. Hyde’s son at a White House ceremony, President Bush noted of Henry Hyde: He used his persuasive powers for noble causes. He stood for a strong and purposeful America -- confident in freedom's advance, and firm in freedom's defense. He stood for limited, accountable government, and the equality of every person before the law. He was a gallant champion of the weak and forgotten, and a fearless defender of life in all its seasons. I worked closely with Henry on many issues and he was a tireless defender of the rights of the unborn and a strong advocate of the rule of law and the Constitution. There was no better voice for the unborn than Henry Hyde – principled, articulate and tough. He was a friend of mine and of Traditional Value Coalition’s mission to defend traditional biblical values. He will be greatly missed.

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