
Eddie’s Edge

Sick Banners at Seattle's Ferguson Sympathy Protest

I cannot believe the banner displayed at the demonstration in Seattle in support of the Brown family and the tragedy that befell Michael. It seems that some political morons flew the distasteful sign that asked people to condemn Israel and support the Palestinian cause. Now everyone has the right of protest and opinion (even me) no matter how delusional and mindless it may be but to do so just sullies and ruins the very reason that those peaceful protesters gathered.
In my opinion the most profound quote of the disgraceful display of looting, burning and violence in Ferguson came from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani who said "It was a day of glory for racial arsonists" Well said. Everyone has an absolute right to protest the decision. Divides run deeply and changes need to be made, but it does truly seem that the decision by the Grand Jury was solely made on the forensic and eyewitness evidence. The fact that the Grand Jury was presented with all the evidence was a positive thing that allowed each and every member to make an educated decision. Without a doubt from eyewitness statements to the recent carnage, the large bulk of the damage was done by thugs and outside agitators. It is such a tragedy for all and my heart goes out to Michael Brown’s parents and family and all the decent people of Ferguson. Even though he’s been vindicated of any wrongdoing in the shooting, Ferguson Police Officer Wilson's career there must be finished. How can he do his job now? It would be impossible. Hopefully, he has enough time in on the job that he can collect his pension. Another thing that I find horrendous is that I just heard a CNN contributor try to put down the fact that in his testimony Officer Wilson made a statement that the neighborhood the shooting occurred in is gang filled and in many cases not police friendly. What stupidity on this panelist's part!! What is he supposed to say? Should he lie? Of course not. The rioting was partial proof of the truth in Wilson's statement. It seems that the consensus with many reasonable people in the know is that much maligned prosecutor Wayne McCullough’s strategy in presenting so much evidence to the Grand Jury was very simple. From the beginning he had serious doubts about the police officer's guilt and the difficulty of obtaining a conviction and felt it was best that he would present the case with all the evidence to them in its entirety. It would then be up to these conscientious volunteers to make the decision to indict or not. To me it seems like it was a wise move that served justice well. This case transcends the unfortunate reality of racial bias. Does racial bias exist in this world? Absolutely, since the beginning of time and most likely will far into the future. We have to learn how to deal with it and introduce more fair balance to this social injustice. On a much lighter note, did anyone notice the newly svelte figure of the Rev. Al Sharpton marching front and center with the Brown family in Ferguson? Is it just me or is it so fitting that the unveiling of his hard to recognize new profile should fall so close to Thanksgiving and its iconic symbol. The irony is just so poignant. To all my American friends and family all the deepest and best wishes on Thanksgiving. We all need to embrace our families and traditions to start the healing process during this tumultuous week. I promise to make the supreme sacrifice and devour a drumstick or two in your honor on Thursday. Oh,the hardship!! lol

Edward Zawadzki -- Bio and Archives

It is with a heavy heart that I write tonight that sportscaster, ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki is gone.  Eddie’s sister, Christine called to tell Canada Free Press (CFP) that Eddie died this morning of a massive heart attack, age 55.

Death of sportscaster ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki