
The Democrat Party and their running dog media count on the public having a short memory

Russia didn’t steal Election 2016, the Democrats handed America to them in the 1990s

Long before an outsider captured American hearts with a promise to ‘Make America Great Again’, driving the global elite-led Democrats into the most frenzied of exiles, the same progressives who accuse the President Donald Trump administration of “colluding with Russia” had already sold America out to the Russians. "Within two years of Gorbachev’s ‘ouster’ (from the Soviet Union) Gorbachev Foundation/USA had moved into the disused military offices of the Presidio in San Francisco. There, with the fantastic view of the Bay to cheer him, Gorbachev set about his new role in earnest”, (Ken Raggio) Gorbachev, on the public record for loathing the United States, and who has NEVER renounced Communism, was handed a no holds barred mission of closing down American military bases, and did so from American pre-funded Presidio headquarters.
"Via his "Green Cross International," Gorbachev devised a legal mechanism for converting American military bases to "global centers for sustainability." “The breakthrough came at the 1992 United Nation's Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, one of the largest globalist conclaves in history, including 108 heads of state, and over 170 governments represented. 
Lest the Free World ever forgets, it was Gorbachev, who helped create and forward Agenda 21, a "global sustainability" document which, among many other things, helped set the stage for converting military installations around the world into globalist activity centers.  "In April of 1993, Mikhail S. Gorbachev became the first civilian tenant at the prestigious Presidio in San Francisco. In a dedication ceremony, the former Soviet President and his wife were given the keys to a Coast Guard officer’s house by a three-star American general, where they were to run the Gorbachev foundation. The mission of the Foundation was to conduct research on global political and environmental issues." (CFP: Gorbachev Cries Poor, April 3, 2006) In other words, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and other leading lights of the progressive Democrat Party handed the keys of Presidio over to the same former Soviet president who told the Politburo in 1989: “Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant change within the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our aim is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.”
How’s that for Russian collusion at work?! “Pelosi patiently shepherded Agenda 21 through Congress. On March 29, 1993 she introduced a joint resolution (H.J.RES166) to renew the call for the United States to “assume a strong leadership role in implementing Agenda 21 and other Summit agreements”, eventually gathering 67 co-sponsors for her bill, 32 of whom are still in Congress. (CFP:Nancy Pelosi Nov. 15, 2006)
“In a speech entitled “From Swords to Plowshares, delivered in the House of Representatives on June 4, 1992, Pelosi cheered the arrival of Gorbachev to the Presidio as a tenant. “The National Park Service is actively seeking ideas for programs and tenants at this spectacular site. Last month, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev visited the presidio to propose that the Gorbachev Foundation/use be located at the Presidio when the army leaves. In his words, “it is wonderful and symbolic that a military base is being converted for use by the people'. “As the cold war ends,” Pelosi continued, “it is, indeed, fitting that this army garrison--one of the oldest in the United States--will be transformed to a monument to peace, environmental preservation and recreation as a global park.” “Less than a year after Pelosi's fawning words, Gorbachev and his American pre-funded $3.5-million Gorbachev Foundation moved into new a white, shingled bayfront house at the historic Presidio overlooking the Golden Bridge.” “Among the unpublicized facts about Nancy Pelosi, was that she was an investor in a real estate investment entity called PRESIDIO PARTNERS which set up shortly after the first closure of military bases around the U.S.”

Bill Clinton, who started the ball rolling on closure of American military bases, was back to help Nancy Pelosi shepherd through Gorbachev’s mission in 1993. “PRESIDENT Bill Clinton yesterday swiftly approved the closure of almost 130 domestic US military bases recommended by an independent commission, and immediately promised dollars 5bn ( pounds 3.3bn) to assist local communities whose economies are likely to be devastated by the blow. (The Independent, July 2, 1993)
“Mr Clinton told reporters the aid represented 'an unprecedented federal effort' to cushion the effects of the cuts, the latest phase of the Pentagon's painful adjustment to a post-Cold War world. In all, 129 bases will be shut and a further 46 ‘realigned'. “Few regions have been spared. Some of the victims, such as the Charleston naval shipyard in South Carolina, are synonymous with US military history. California takes the heaviest punishment. Already battered by recession, the Golden State must now cope with no fewer than 30 base closures, including the Vallejo shipyard in San Francisco Bay. “The commission's list was only sent to the White House earlier this week, after it heard final appeals. Moving with uncharacteristic speed, Mr Clinton wants to minimise the inevitable political repercussions. Both he and Congress, which must pass its own judgment this autumn, have the choice of accepting the list as it stands or rejecting it.”
Additional Reading: Nancy Pelosi: One of Mikhail Gorbachev's most useful idiots Investigative journalists doing their jobs should dig deep--really deep--into Nancy Pelosi's role in the controversial, $280-million, federal-funded Hunters Point Shipyard affair--in relation to her alleged role as an investor in a real estate investment entity called PRESIDIO PARTNERS.
Gorbachev cries poor So former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says, "America is intoxicated by its position as the world's only superpower", adding that he says this "as a good friend of America".
Mikhail Gorbachev: "Our aim is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep" Why is there any surprise in America that the Cold War never really ended?
For those who might regard what happened in 1989 as ancient history, this is what Gorbachev said to a sold-out audience at the Wortham Center, Houston on Nov. 1, 2012. “Less than a week before the U.S. election, former president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev berated America and all but endorsed the sitting president and fellow Nobel Peace Prize winner at an event I attended in Houston. (Marta H. Mossburg, ‘Gorbachev, railing against capitalism, sounds a lot like Obama’, Nov. 6, 2012) Mossburg, a senior fellow at the Maryland Public Policy Institute and a fellow at the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, was one of the few who saw Gorbachev, not as ancient history but as a clear and present-day danger:
“Taking a theme from Barack Obama's campaign, Mr. Gorbachev said, "The goals of economic growth should not depend on super profits and overconsumption," to vigorous applause at the Wortham Center as the banners of major oil company arts patrons benignly welcomed visitors in the grand foyer. “Mr. Gorbachev claimed he spoke only as a private citizen, but his remarks on Syria echo those of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has called Mr. Obama "an honest person who really wants to change much for the better." I hope Americans kept that in mind when they headed to the polls.
“As for Mitt Romney, Mr. Gorbachev said he was "amazed" during the campaign to hear the Republican label Russia as America's biggest enemy. He said he hoped Mr. Romney had “misspoke." “While he never explicitly endorsed President Obama, Mr. Gorbachev enthusiastically noted, "America is on the verge of great change" — an implicit compliment of the bigger government path Mr. Obama is carving for the U.S. His persistent condemnation of free enterprise as the route to prosperity could also be seen as a defacto denunciation of Mr. Romney and running mate Paul Ryan. “The audience erupted in laughter and applause at many of his remarks, including, "America needs its own perestroika (government restructuring).”
The Democrat Party and their running dog media count on the public having a short memory. The Russians didn’t steal Election 2016, the progressives stole America back in the early 1990s—and now blame the president duly installed by We the People in the leak-ridden White House.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.