
Happiness and Purpose in Life:

Reminder of Life's Purpose During Covid & Other Challenges

Happiness and Purpose in Life:People occasionally ask me: “Why do I do what I do? My answer is this: Who are the happiest people in the world? Those who make others happy. If you also have a sense of purpose in your life—all the better. What normal person does not derive pleasure from helping others? If you have a positive, constructive goal towards which you are seeking, this motivates you (as well as others) to keep you moving forward in an enthusiastic manner, and enthusiasm is indeed, a happy state of mind! It seems a rather empty life without these; I believe they are intertwined. In other words, the more you help others, the more you are achieving your goals, the happier you will be.

How often do you hear people speaking of Happiness? Fulfillment? Purpose?

How often do you hear people speaking of Happiness? Fulfillment? Purpose? It seems that many people forget about happiness; instead they seek things, power, influence; control over others. While good control is laudable, unfortunately, poor control is more often the case (this gives control a bad reputation). Their sense of helplessness (or lack of control) may make them seek power over others—but to what end? Unfortunately, in our culture today and spreading over the world is an attitude of entitlement. I am not speaking of basic human rights many of which were enumerated in the US Constitution, for example. I am speaking of persons who feel and believe that “the world owes them something”. Actually, you will derive out of this world, more or less, what you put forth yourself. You reap what you sow, as the Bible says. This is where personal responsibility comes in. Instead of feeling that you deserve a handout (which is not to say that charity, cooperation and a sense of community are not necessary), why not decide what is needed and wanted by others and set out to provide it? It has been said that “Our children come through us, not from us”. Understanding this would encourage parents, teachers and advisors to nurture the innate potential and proclivities of the individual, who would now be happy to create or produce those things in which they are skilled. Most people I know, enjoy doing that at which they are competent or talented. How many would turn to crime if they had a useful and needed skill or talent; and would apply it? This, of course, brings up the utter fallacy of our “Justice System”. Take a young man who perpetrates a petty crime (likely he feels (falsely) that he is deprived and disenfranchised). He is caught and given a punishment of prison (rather than an amends project with ethics training). In prison he is exposed to more “hardened” criminals and learns the wrong lessons (all the while believing he is being unjustly and over harshly punished). No rehabilitation, training in a worthwhile skill, nor the relief from repaying the victim of his crime. So, now he justifies his wrongdoing (because he was not given the opportunity to correct it and because he now feels “victimized” by an inappropriate or excessive punishment. This, of course, actually teaches him to become an increasingly violent criminal, because he has been punished, rather than rehabilitated and now has a general hatred of society in general. The other possibility, of letting him get off with a warning only or some other miscarriage of justice, actually produces the same effect: A more determined criminal; because he has not taken responsibility for his actions.

Discover your unique innate talents

So, rather than blame others for your situation (again, the Bible says “Thou shalt forgive”), take responsibility for your situation and take constructive steps to better it. Henry David Thoreau said “Most of mankind live out their lives in quiet desperation, but if one will proceed in the direction of their dreams they will achieve a success undreamt of in quieter hours.” It has been said that it’s not the destination so much as how you get there that counts. Successful people do what successful people have to do. I do not believe this means by any means necessary—as a clear conscience will never get in your way, but a guilty one will. So, in summary: Discover your unique innate talents and those things at which you are competent or which bring you satisfaction. Turn them towards positive goals; provide what’s needed and wanted and you will have a better life.

Dr. Ron Drucker -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Ron Drucker, has been working with and advising patients on Alternative and Holistic Health Care for over Thirty-Five years, including:  Chiropractic Care, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Nutrition, Nutraceuticals, “Balancing Body Chemistry”, Detoxification, Prevention and Life Style Counselling. 

Practicing Chiropractic Physician for over Thirty-Five years; including general Chiropractic Practice, Nutritional Counselling, “Balancing Body Chemistry”, “Orthomolecular Therapy”,  Homeopathy, Herbology, Detoxification, Physical Therapy, Orthotics, Therapeutic Exercises, Trigger Point Therapy and Rehabilitation, Expert Witness for Worker’s Compensation, Personal Injury and Medicare.