
Where we are headed if Progressives have their way

Raise the Mimimum Wage to $90.63 an Hour

One might ask how I came up with the figure of $90.63 for the minimum wage which is a fair question for which I believe I have a reasonable answer.
First, let me say I am totally opposed to minimum wage laws. The free market should decide what they are willing to pay for labor and people should be able to accept or reject it. With that said, I arrived at my proposed minimum wage simply by taking the salary top legislative advisers in Congress make and figure since the proponents of a minimum wage are communist/socialist sympathizers like President Obama, Dick Durbin of Illinois, second in Senate leadership, and Sen. Harkin of Iowa masquerading as progressive democrats, I would make the wages equal as the communists always proclaim to want. Durbin called a rate increase long overdue saying the minimum wage had not increased since 2007. Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would be an increase of 39% with an annual rate increase of 6.5% not compounded while the same people keep telling us there is little or no inflation. I'm sure progressive democrats Durbin and Harkin know most union contracts contain clauses so every time the minimum wage rises their pay rises resulting in an endless inflationary spiral since the cost of goods rise to offset the wage increases. I haven't checked but I am assuming both Durbin and Harkin graduated from the U. of Zimbabwe majoring in Economics where the cost of a loaf of bread is a billion dollars. The idea of taxing yourself into prosperity and arbitrarily mandating what wages should be to achieve equality is a communist wet dream and there can be no doubt that these are beliefs which Obama, Durbin, Harkin and many others in Congress share. If we wanted to increase the price of everything ten fold and the income of all by the same amount then nothing changes. With what progressive dems Harkin and Durbin are ignoring by their call for a minimum wage increase is the impact on people who are on a fixed income. These are the people they practically cry about in public as they do everything to project their desire to protect the older generation but with actions like they are proposing put them further and further behind in their ability to simply survive. For instance, the progressives are calling for a 39% increase in the minimum wage and the SS increase for 2014 as figured on inflation will be 1.5%.

George Fuller -- Bio and Archives

George Fuller, a Mayflower Descendant, a graduate of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL

Acquired my real estate brokers license in Florida and have independently brokered commercial real estate since.